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❝❀ : 22.love   


4 days ago

Jungkook rushed his way back home when he received that his mate was home. Even he told him to text or call when he is done, Taehyung didn't do it. After all he decided to call him, but when he did, Jungkook's heart dropped. He heard his mate crying, he could imagine him sitting on the floor, resting his body on the wall and crying while talking on the phone with him. He was a bad liar when Taehyung said he was fine, Jungkook knew he wasn't alright.

He waved back to Kara and said he won't come soon because he will take care of the omega.

After around 10 minutes of highs speed driving, Jungkook parked his car and entered the house, by scanning his eye.

''Taehyung? Taehyung baby?'' He shouted. His voice cracked when he opened the bedroom door. There he saw his mate all cuddled himself on the floor, crying. His sleeve was wet because he used it to wipe his tears, but even he couldn't stop.

''Tae babe...what happened...'' Jungkook kneeled down to his mate. He gently lifted his chin up to show his face, all read.

''The-y the-y h-ate m-e'' he sniffed ''Th-ey ca-n n-ev..-er be ha-ppy abo-ut m-e...'' Taehyung cried harder after what he said, and it made Jungkook lean back and wipe his tears with this thumbs.

''Seeing you cry makes my heart sad..'' Jungkook pecked both Taehyung's eyes and then his cheeks were stained with tears

''Y-You're everything to me now Kook..if you weren't here...I don't know how I was going to continue...'' Taehyung leaned forward and left a soft kiss on Jungkook's lips.

''I love you..'' jungkook whispered against Taehyung's ear. ''I fvcking love you from the moment I saw you in the forest Kim Taehyung...I do not care how long I know you..but you make me feel love..''

''I-i love you too..'' wich made Jungkook shocked. Not because of the kiss his mate gave him, but because Taehyung said he loves him back. Jungkook feels like his heart with burst from happiness because of his precious mate.

Jungkook connected their lips in the sweetest and most passionate kiss.

Taehyung whined against Jungkook's lips and it made him growl and grab his mate's jaw so he could deepen the kiss. Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's biceps and whimpered when he felt his tongue poking his lips in wich he opened his mouth and let him dominant him. They lost the count of time as they held each other closer like there was no tomorrow. Like there was no working day for them. It was only them, nothing else mattered.

Jungkook guided Taehyung to the bed and no words were said, their eyes talked for them. And their eyes showed more than words could be explained or said.

He lay Taehyung on the bed and hovered over him. Jungkook's hand slowly unbuttoned he and Taehyung's shirt took it carefully from his mate's beautiful skin. He stood there appreciating Taehyung's body, noticing the old scars and bruises. Taehyung noticed his reaction and before he could cover himself, Jungkook connected their lips again and roamed his hands on his chest and tummy ''You're perfect'' Jungkook whispered and made the other blush..

Taehyung pulled the hem of his mate's shirt, and Jungkook took the hit and undressed it. The other blushed seeing his mate's toned and amazing body. He roamed his hands on Jungkook's abs and whimpered how good it felt on his soft hands.

Jungkook watched as Taehyung unbottoned his pants and then he pushed them down. Jungkook took his pants out and processed to undress his mate.

The truth is, the basically had done it before but never remembered it because V and Jk blocked their bond during their sexual tension.

His eyes caught how skinny looked Taehyung and wondered if he eats well properly. But then he snapped the reality when taehyungw whined under him. He couldn't wait to be touched by Jungkook. Jungkook chuckled and brought his hand to Taehyung's cheek. Taehyung leaned to his touch and sighed.

''J-jungkook'' taehyung whispered still trying to regain a breath


''Mark me...make me yours...''

''pup you sure? No turning back ,never..''

''Fvcking sure..''

''What about your family? Don't you care that they don't accept me?'' Jungkook asked, raising an eyebrow. He wanted to be completely sure Taehyung knows what he's getting in, knowing the risk who is and what is Jungkook

''Fvck my familly Jeon. You care for me, not they for me. I don't give a fvck what they thing''

jungkook never wasted time in any action, the same was now. When he heard the words spilling from Taehyung's lips, he immediately attached his and taehyung's mouth. The kiss was rough, passioanate and so needed.

Taehyung never again cared how will his sister of father will react, how will they accept him again in Moon Light Pack. He wanted to start again, from the zero. To start a new life, together with his mate. He never hated or cared about who's Jungkook, the fact he was mafia was never important to him, never.

To be honest, Taehyung was thankful for Jungkook's patient. The true blood is usually much more aggressive. When they meet their mates, they mate them the first moment they see them. But Jungkook was beyond his imagination. He successfully waited until Taehyung was ready. You see, the immortals like wolf falls in love easily than the mortals, they have intended mates ruled from the Moon Goddes. They are supposed to be together.

Jungkook slowly started making his way to Taehyung's neck, at the whole way kissing him. Then he started exploring his whole neck just to find the perfect spot.

Taehyung stood still in the man's embrace, not daring to move as he could feel the dominance radiating him.

He could feel the true blood's breath in his nick, before an unbelievable pain shot through his body. The pain of a bite.

He could now feel the mate bond strengthen, making it possible for the two to communicate through mind link and feel each other's emotions.

They needed each other's touch even more , it's as if they were addicted to each other.

A satisfied growl left the true blood's mouth, when he saw the mark on the omega's neck, showing others that he's taken.

''Your mine. Just mine''Taehyung heard him say, as the pain slowly went away

''Yours...'' Taehyung sighed before falling asleep in Jungkook's arms.


So it happened...

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