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❝❀ : 03.the bar


Loud music boomed throu the club, as Jeon Jungkook walked inside, staring down at the dancing people. A smirk was placed on his face by the sight of half-naked girls and boys, who were spreading their legs on the many poles over the huge bar.

''Welcome back Mr.Jeon, what would you like this night?'' a seductive voice asked ,while cleaning the luxurious glasses.

''How about the strongest whiskey you can get me?'' Jeon asked, starring at the omega females, thinking who will be the lucky one this night.

The barbar gave him a shot, but instead Jeon said ''Give me the whole bottle''. Looked like he wanted on purpose to get drunk. The barbar looked a bit confused, but did as his boss said. Then he replaced a new bottle at the glass shells behind him.

Jeon went to his sister Kara, who was hardly striping on a pole ''Kara, come here.'' he shouted. You see, the whole Jeon family loved each other, but sometimes the buissness was more important than the pack. Kara stepped down as said to one of her clients'' wait me here sugar daddy''

''What is i,t brother?'' she asked. ''Who could you give me of yours?''he asked her. Kara showed him an omega named Jennie. ''Why is that all of the sudden brother?'' she asked confused. She knew her brother very well,and something was wrong this time ''I will tell you the next morning if I remember this night.'' she was a bit worried. Usually Jungkook's not like this. He mostly deals about the drug and weapons, almost never make out with random poeple, because he's not that type of alpha. He's true blood, he has honors. But what was he going to do?

Jennie came closer with him ,wearing a short dress and high heels. Jungkook only smirked to her and touched her but. They went to a separe and he pulled her closer, as she sat on his lap, ''Will you make me a favour lil' one?'' he asked her, while she was kissing his neck and touching his chest ''Everything for you my dear~''

''You're one of my sister's people, correct?'' he asked her and she nodded. ''You see that man on the bar, sitting with 3 of his colleagues? I want you to drug him down and get him in this separe. Then you know your job.'' she nodded again as gave Jungkook one last kiss on the cheek.

Kara's people were like her. You see, they are not basic strippers. They drug the man and then get him in bedrooms. If they are in their buissnes, they get what they need (information) and then kill them.

Jennie went out the separe ,as Jeon did it. Instead he sitter to the nearest table his caught and was only waiting.

At the mean time Jennie prepared as well. She putted some more lipstick and sharpened her teeth. Her scent was irresistible for alphas, who was her target. Lee Hyunk, working with mafia and together with Jungkook. Jeon already knew he was a spy, betrayel. She went there ans sitted on his lap. He wasn't too old. He was still in his twenties. He was medium drunk also.''Dadyyy want a kissy~'' and he pulled her closer as started kissing her. He was with some colleagues too, but they were too drunk as well. While Jennie was kissing him, she reached out his drink. He got from her back pocket a capsule that she putted in the whiskey. At the whole time Lee didn't notice. Kara's people are careful and know their work. He enjoyed it a lot. Jennie offered him to drink because he was dry. Hyunk quicly got his glass ,because he wanted more from the girl. After he had drunk, he started kissing her again. He sat up with her on his lap and went to the nearest separe with her. Oh so blind he was.

She handcuffed him ,but he thought they were going to do it. He didn't have a clue because he was too dizzy from the drink. Then he felt weaker and slowly started feling asleep. Then Jennie yelled ''Alpha!'' and Jungkook stepped to the separe.

''Aish Hyunk, in what trouble you are...you can't even imagine''he said. It was death silent in the separe. You could here Hyunk's fast heartbeat. ''You think I wouldn't find out, huh Lee'' he wishpered to his ear ''Sir..i-i ca-n exp-lain'' he scarely said ''ENOUGH"he shouted ''You caused your own dead Lee the moment you betrayed me'' he pointed at him angrily ''Kill him''he said to Jennie and left.

''Passy Passy~'' as she jumped on him.

Minutes later she was done and left to clean herself. Jungkook was already up at the building in his office, drinking the whiskey he took earlier. But he got interrupter ''Did you kill him?'' It was his brother Jonghyun''I guess mum didn't teach you to knock brother'' he said. ''Shut up Im older. Answer now'' he said annoyed ''Of course he's dead ,but I didn't dirty my hands of course.''

''Good then. Don't forget about your meeting tommorow''

''Wait out ,what meeting?''then his brother sighed

''How drunk are you Jungkook...you have a meeting with the alphas from the pack, how did you forget''he shooked his head

''Im a busy man Jonghyun, now leave'' he said, sitting on his chair

''If you continue like that, you won't even notice when your mate will appear''

''My mate will appear when it's the right moment Jeon Jonghyun. You will talk to you alpha, wait to let me correct myself ,true blood alpha when you find you second mate. Am I clear?!'' He made him mad, he hates when someone talks like this to him

''Yes you are...'' he whishpered, looking down at the ground

''Yes you are what?''

''Yes ,true blood, you are right'' as he took his leave, walking out of the building.


Oh wow Jungkook kinda baddass Lol no wonder?

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