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❝❀ : 12. sorry, I can't stop starring 


*Previosly on chapter 11 *

''Show...show me your wrist..please'' 



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''you..you don't have any clue how long i've waited for you...''

''me too pup...it is all worth''

'' I think we just felt the love from first sight, hm pup''

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'' I think we just felt the love from first sight, hm pup''


"Tell me pup, what is your name?"

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"Tell me pup, what is your name?"

"Taehyung...Kim Taehyung from the Moon Light pack"

"You have such a beautiful name,pup. I am Jeon Jungkook."

"Touchè pup, but forget about who I am at the moment. Its just you and me now..."


 It's just you and me now..."and then jungkook leaned again at taehyung and gave him kisses

''Mhm... you and me'' taehyung gigled. He wasn't expecting his mate to be like that..he wasn't expecting his mate even to want to kiss him..or touch him. Or ever dare to call him by 'pup'. He felt those butterflies in the stomach, every second kissing Jungkook's soft kiss. His hand was running all over Taehyung's neck, wanting to mark him so bad in this moment. Wanting Taehyung to be his, only his. Wanting only Taehyung.

''How..how did you find me here...'' taehyung asked cutting of their kiss, but Jungkook kept his hand over his neck, and the other one still holding his hand

''I came for the invation your dad offered me, then when I came I felt your scent and...and here we are.'' Jungkook siad looking at Taehyung's soft cheeks and kissed him there too. As I said, he will be possesive over his mate

''My dad? Wait...You know him?''

''Of course pup. I know your sister as well.''

''Oh really? And...what happened?''

''Let's say Im not one of her favourites, pup'' the alpha said leaning Taehyung and placing him on his lap. Taehyung felt so comfortable in the older's back hug and the kissed on his forhead

''Well I guess she won't have a choice since you're my mate''

''I can't wait to see her face when she understand we're mates, pup''

''Oh god..'' taehyung said as sat up from the older's lap. He remembered ''The dinner...Jungkook you should go. Your pack is there and- mhmmm~'' Before he could finish, Jungkook kissed him again passionetly.

''We will go pup. Im wondering why you weren't there, but here?''

''I..I was locked..down..and then V got us out and we came here...''

''What...'' Jungkook said with the scariest face he could ever give, his eyes slowly turned red


''No no Gkuk don't...I-they always lock me down when...''

''When what Taehyung''

''Im on heat...everytime when Im on heat they lock me down...because V is really aggressive...And he's know calmed down so ya...''

''Bub you should have told me earlier you're on heat...where does it hurt...''

''here?'' jungkook kissed his neck''Here..'' he said kissing taehyung's chest ''or here...'' then he placed gently his hand on taehyung's member...giving him the 100th kiss for the night

''Everywhere..but I will be fine..we must go now..''

''Can;t we just stay here like..forever...''

''They will worry, cmon let's go''

'Why is he so adorable...' jungkook thought. Then they both sat up and made their way thru the forest

''So Kim Taehyung...tell me bub, who you've come so popular around the buissness here hm''

''Well...my dad started the company and I-i just finished what he started and ya...I think I should be the one to ask hmm'' he teased and Jungkook tottally noticed his tease

''Hm let's talk about my buissnees next time hm bub'' then they stoped and Taehyung gave him again a passioanate kiss. He wanted him so bad, like really bad, he was on heat after all. But tried to calm himself too, because he thought it was too early to do it. He wanted to be trusted and to trust Jungkook too

''You know it will take forever if we kiss every minute hmm''

''I know pretty well. I can't stop starring at you ...''

''Me too bub, come here and then we will hurry'' jungkook said and pushed Taehyung closer to him by holding his thin waist. They made the kiss longer since they were going to hurry after that. It seemed they waited their mates for too long. Their lips touched for last and this time they seriosly hurries

But Jungkook..Jungkook was going to be so possessive and protective over his mate, Taehyung.



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I forgot to show you guys how TaeTae looks like with blue hair*

Happy New Year

Purpule you

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