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By the next day, almost everyone had forgotten about the journal incident. Mostly due to the fact that Draco had aggressively told the whole Slytherin house that Pansy had made it up.  

Kat and I arrived at breakfast late and Daphne and Georgina were already down . The tension was obvious when I sat down next to Daphne and across from Georgina. "Is everything alright?" I asked, Daphne shifted awkwardly and Georgina avoided eye contact with me. "Whats gotten into you two?" Kat said confused. 

"I received a howler from my father this morning," Georgina said staring dead at her eggs, "he was rather upset about my secret relationship with a Hufflepuff." She had tears in her eyes and the remains of the howler were spread around the table. 

I had completely forgotten about how my journal might not only expose me, but my friends as well. "Georgina you know I didn't mean for anyone to read that but me-" "I can't believe you two knew," she said glaring at Kat and I. "You knew and you didn't tell me, so much for being my best friends." 

She ate the last piece of toast on her plate and got up, before she could leave she turned to Kat and I. "You know sometimes I think you guys forget that this is a bigger friend group than just you two."  We sat in silence, "I should go make sure she's okay," Daphne said as she got up quickly to follow Georgina. 

"How does she think it's my fault," I said to Kat, she shrugged. "She just, I think she's a little on edge because the Rosiers are crazy about marriage and blood purity." I rolled my eyes, "They are teenagers-" "it doesn't matter Amelia, that's not who they arranged for her to marry; they see that anyone else is a waste of time." 

I knew Georgina's parents; her mother was stiff and a formal French women and her father who was a rumored Death-Eater was intimidating. 

A few days passed and Georgina was still not talking to me; but one by one my friends were getting asked to the ball. Anthony Goldstein gave an extravagant ask for an embarrassed Vivian. Theo asked Daphne and to no ones surprise Blaise asked  Kat. Gabby was worried that no one would ask her, but she shouldn't worry. 

I was walking down to the library to meet with Harry and Ron when I heard Miles Bletchley calling my name. I did a double take, we hardly ever talked since he was a year ahead and rather reserved. "Hi Miles," I said confused. "Amelia," he moved a piece of dark hair from in front of his eyes, "I just wanted to know if you would accompany me to the ball-" 

"Need something Bletchley" Draco said stepping in front of me. Miles scoffed, "Actually Malfoy-" "I'm sorry Miles, I already have a date," I said interrupting him. The smirk disappeared from his face, "Well Amelia, there will be a lot of disappointed blokes out there."  

He walked in the opposite direction leaving it just Draco and I, "So you haven't changed your mind, about the ball." "You haven't given me reason to Draco." He bit his lip approvingly and lightly touched my wrist, "be sure to let me know what color your gown is, for my dress robes to match." 

He saw Crabbe and Goyle walking over and he quickly removed his hand from my wrist, "See you later Potter." He strutted away to join Crabbe and Goyle, as I watched him walk away I realized I was smiling. 

Harry and Ron were sitting at a table whispering, "Whats the gossip," I asked as I sat down. "We're talking about the ball," Ron said laying his head on the table. "Are you really going with Malfoy?" Harry asked with suspicious eyes, "Harry come on it's just a ball."

"Why was your tie in his room-" "Harry you know I didn't do anything." He continued his interrogative stare,"I um had to help Blaise with ordering flowers so that he could ask Kat to the ball." 

That was a good lie, thankfully Harry believed me. "Girls are just so bloody confusing," Ron said as a group of giggling girls walked by. "Why do they have to move in packs?" Harry asked, "How're you supposed to get one on their own to ask them?""Lasso one?" Ron suggested. 

"It's not that hard guys, just pick a girl you like and just go for it," I said trying to encourage them. "Well what girl-" "Harry, you are the champion I'm sure many girls are interested. And Ron you are..... very charming and handsome." 

Ron blushed slightly, "Amelia are any of your friends available," I smiled slightly, "Well Ronald Gabby doesn't have a date yet." He looked shocked," That's it, only one of your friends doesn't have a date." He looked nervously to Harry,"we better hurry before all the good ones are gone." 

The chances were slim to none but right after Ron had said that Gabby had walked into the library. "Ron just ask her," I said trying to encourage him. His face turned beat red as she walked over, "Amelia you will never believe this," she said quickly. "I was in the courtyard studying and a group of Durmstrang boys came up to me." 

I nodded by head as she continued, "Well Brooks was there and he asked me if you had a date yet, of course I told him about Malfoy-" "Wait Gabby, Brooks wanted to ask me." She nodded her head, I mean I hadn't really thought of him. If I wasn't already going with Draco, I would've loved to go with him. 

"Well that's not even all, his friend the blonde one, Ivan. He asked me." I looked to Ron who had sunken in his chair, "Oh Gabby that's so exciting," I said with a smile.

"Well I should get back to the common room," she got up quickly before noticing Harry and Ron. "Well hello and goodbye, good to see you guys." 

"Well that worked perfectly," Ron said defeated, "I'm gonna go find Hermione, I need help with this charms essay." He sulked out of the library leaving just Harry and I. "Why doesn't he just ask Hermione-" "Hermione, come on Amelia that would be like as if he asked Ginny. It's weird."

God teenage boys could be so dull sometimes, "Well Harry which girl do you have your eye on." He looked down at his parchment embarrassed, "you can tell me you know. I am your sister." 

He looked around the library to make sure no one was listening, "I mean Cho Chang is kinda pretty-" "Oh Harry that's a great choice, she is really pretty and so good at quidditch. "SHHH," he said again making sure no one could hear us. 

"Well you need to do it soon Harry, Cho is really popular." He nodded nervously, "I'll see you later Harry." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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