Chapter 1 I'm a Wizard?

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*Amelias POV

I awaken on the cold ground, what a strange past few days it's been. First, a snake escaped at the zoo on Dudley's birthday, then Harry and I became overwhelmed with letters addressed to us, and most recently Uncle Vernon had gone mental and dragged us to an island cottage.

I look to my twin brother, after our parents died in a car accident when we were babies we've had to live with our dreaded aunt and uncle. Harry sees that I'm awake and whispers, "Make a wish Millie." I look to Dudley's watch and read that it's exactly midnight, our birthday. "I wish that this year is better than any other year." Harry replies, "Me too"

I then hear a loud bang at the door and down it went, revealing perhaps the largest man I'd ever seen. Harry and I cower in the corner and Uncle Vernon storms down the stairs, shotgun in hand, closely followed my Aunt Petunia. "Sorry about that," the giant man says in a surprisingly kind manner. "I demand you leave at once, this is breaking and entering," growls Uncle Vernon. Not very intimidating if you ask me. Harry and I's jaw drops as he uses his bare hands to twist the shotgun, a loud bang causes Dudley and Petunia to start whimpering. The giant man approaches a shaking Dudley, "Haven't seen you since you were a baby Harry, but you're a bit larger than I expected, especially around the middle. Say where's your sister?" Harry and I look at each other confused. Dudley manages to say "I'm not Harry." Harry walks out of the corner, "I am," he says. I closely follow, "And I'm Amelia, but you can call me Millie."

Hagrid smiles kindly at us, he pulls out a birthday cake that reads "Happy Birthday Harry & Amelia", it was pink with green letters. "Baked it myself words and all." Me and Harry both say "Thank You", this was an act of kindness we weren't used to seeing.

Hagrid sits his large body on the couch, it creaks under his weight. Then I kid you not something magical happened, he used an ordinary pink umbrella to produce a roaring fire."Not be rude, but who are you." I ask curiously. 'Rubeus Hagrid," He responds. "Keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts. Of course, you know all about Hogwarts . " Harry and I look at each other eyebrows raised. What on earth is Hogwarts? I think to myself.

"Sorry no," Harry responds. Hagrid looks confused, "Blimey guys didn't you ever wonder where your parents learned it." This further confused me. "Learned what," we both said in sync. "Yer a wizard," Hagrid says to us. "And a thumping good one once you practice a little." Realization starts to set in, I'm a wizard. Me, Amelia Lily Potter is a wizard.

Harry tries to deny it, Hagrid gets up and gives an identical letter to both me and Harry, both addressed from Hogwarts.

Dear Miss Potter, We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

"You will not be going, we swore when we took you two in we wouldn't put up with all this rubbish." Uncle Vernon blurts. My excitement soon turns to anger "You knew" I say resentful. Harry joins in, "You knew all along and you never told us." Petunia decided to then chip in, "Of course we knew, my perfect sister being who she was. Oh my mother and father were so proud, I was the only one to see her as a freak. Then she met that Potter and got herself blown up."

I face my aunt and uncle, "Blown up" I shout "You said our parents died in a car crash." The kind face of Hagrid turned red with anger, "It's an outrage it's a scandal." After a small dispute between Hagrid and Uncle Vernon which resulted in Dudley growing a magic pigs tail. Hagrid stated that it was time for us to go.

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