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A few days later Kat, Georgina, and I were relaxing in the common room skimming through old editions of Witch Weekly. "Look Daren O'Hare of the Irish national team says that his type is blondes with a bubbly personality," Kat said excitedly as she held up the article which showed a picture of the handsome quidditch player.

"You should send him a letter," Georgina said sarcastically, "Really," Kat said not picking up on the sarcasm. "No, he's old," Georgina said disgusted, Kat rolled her eyes and went back to the article. "Just wait until you graduate Hogwarts Kat, then you can write away," I said in an encouraging way.

"Draco you're so funny," Pansy said as she laughed obnoxiously, "Oh Draco kiss me," I said mimicking Pansy's high pitched voice. "What are they doing over there anyone," I said observing the small group which included Draco, Pansy, Tracy, Crabbe, and Goyle. "Something about pins for the tournament," Georgina said as turned around to look at them, "Blaise told me it was for Harry," Kat said still reading the magazine.

That group would never do anything to support Harry, "well now I'm curious," I got up to go check it out. As I got closer I realized the pins weren't supporting Harry, but Cedric instead it read "SUPPORT CEDRIC DIGGORY - THE REAL HOGWARTS CHAMPION!" In bright red letters.

"Like them Potter?" Pansy said with a smirk, "But wait theres more." She pressed her badge into her chest, and the message upon it vanished, to be replaced by another one, which glowed green, "POTTER STINKS."

Crabbe and Goyle hollered with laughter, I looked down at Draco who was sitting silently on the chair; avoiding eye contact with me. "Nice Draco, really classy". I started walking back to my friends, "Wait Potter," he got up from his chair and pulled me aside.

"It wasn't my idea you know," "I'm sure it wasn't Malfoy," I didn't believe him one bit. "Just believe me, is that so hard." "Do you think I'm stupid Draco?" he didn't respond, "you and I know both know Crabbe, Goyle, or even Pansy doesn't have the brains to create a pin like that."

For some reason his face twisted into a self-confident smirk, "was there a complement in their somewhere," I raised my eyebrows, "I think you're pretty smart too Potter." I laughed, "you're arrogance is pathetic Draco."

I wasn't sleeping well that night; I worried about Harry and every time I though of Draco my stomach twisted into a ball, was it a ball of disdain or desire. I rolled over and over trying to find a comfortable position, but it just wasn't possible tonight. I needed a walk, I crawled out of bed but before I went down to the common room I grabbed the empty journal Harry had gotten me for my birthday.

"Incendio," I said lighting a few candles, the common room was dead and the candles a nice glow. The journal was made of black dragon skin and in dark green writing were my initials, "ALP." My finger traced over those three letters, Amelia Lily Potter. Lily for my mother, would she have been proud of me? Would she be disappointed her daughter didn't look like her or that I'm a Slytherin.

I opened to the first page and used my favorite quill to write the two words I had never gotten to say.

Hi Mum

I wiped the tears that had started falling down my face and I started pouring my heart out to my mum.

I miss you mum and I wish you could be here with me, I'm so sorry that I haven't done this before. I hope you're proud of me, I know you'd be proud of Harry. He's incredible, a little dim witted sometimes, but aren't all boys. I play quidditch mum, I'm a chaser like dad was and I'm pretty good, Harry is too but he's a seeker. You know the teachers have told me I remind them of you, I feel so proud when they do. They say you were so bright and I know you were. You and dad would be so proud of me; last year I got outstanding in six of my classes and exceeds expectations in three. I'm trying mum but it's hard without you, but I don't want you to worry about any of the women things. Every month Mrs. Wesley sends me cakes at that time of the month and for my first one last summer; I was at my friend Kat's home. Her mom Mrs. Maclerie took care of me and told me all about everything.

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