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I woke up on Halloween morning excited to go to Hogsmeade, "Oh Millie you are beaming." Georgina said as we got dressed for the chilly fall day, "She's just excited to see Ernie," I pushed Kat away. I mean they weren't wrong the last few weeks I did spend a lot of time with him, I wasn't madly in love or anything he's just cute. I put on my outfit and threw my hair into a ponytail.

Georgina went down to the common room leaving just Kat and I, "You know Amelia no matter how many times you try and say it, I really don't think your feelings for Malfoy are completely gone," she said to me in a whisper to avoid the ears of Daphne...

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Georgina went down to the common room leaving just Kat and I, "You know Amelia no matter how many times you try and say it, I really don't think your feelings for Malfoy are completely gone," she said to me in a whisper to avoid the ears of Daphne and Tracy Davis. "Oh come on Kat just forget about that, I had feelings for like a day and then he started being an ass to me." Kat laughed, "He's just doing that cause he likes you." I looked at my watch it was 9:55, Ernie told me he'd meet me outside of the Slytherin common room at 10. I didn't want to be there first so I decided to go down at 10:02. Kat and Georgina left with Blaise and Theodore, I waited and waited and waited until 10:30 I decided to go up to the Great Hall. I saw Hannah Abbott, "Hey Hannah have you seen Ernie." She shook her head, "I saw him at breakfast he was going to get you then I saw him leave the castle with Justin." I said thank you and went back to the Slytherin common room. I had been stood up.

It was too late to catch up with my friends so I decided to just read a book, I tried to focus but it was hard to do with the gut wrenching feeling of embarrassment in my stomach. What was wrong with me, I started liking Draco then he started being terrible towards me then I started developing feelings for Ernie and I get stoop up. "Shouldn't you be out on your little date Potter?" a cold voice said to me from behind the chair I was sitting on. "Go bother someone else Malfoy," he crouched down in front of me, "is everything alright Potter?" "I'm fine," I got up but he grabbed my hand before I could walk away. "Then why are your eyes puffy?" His face turned angry, "did did that Hufflepuff do something to you." I ripped my arm from his grasp, "what's it to you Draco?" He took a step closer, "Well I'm doing nothing and you're doing nothing. Not to mention my mother would be furious if I let you sit here all alone today." I took another step closer, "do you genuinely want to hang out with me or is this some twisted dig to Harry?" He took another step closer, our noses millimeters apart shivers went up my spine, "Well Potter us Slytherins have to stick together."

We decided on going flying and after grabbing my broomstick I followed Draco to the grounds. "You know Malfoy are you sure you don't want to be beaten by a girl?" He smirked cockily, "Oh please Potter even with one bad arm I could outfly you any-day." He kicked off from the ground and rose a few feet above me,"well quit enjoying the view Potter I don't want to wait all day for you." I straddled the broom and kicked off, we did a few laps around the castle before we slowed down to enjoy the view. We discussed quidditch but the discussion soon turned more serious, Draco told me about his parents and the pressure his dad puts on him. "Draco why do you act like you hate me?" I blurted out, the question had been on my mind for the last couple of weeks. Draco hesitated before responding, "I don't hate you Amelia, I just feel like it's best that we aren't friends." I flew closer, "I mean it's not like I don't want to be friends, you're just different than Crabbe, Goyle, or even Zabini." I laughed, "You mean I'm not completely cruel to everyone?" Surprisingly, he laughed at that, "I just don't know why you would want to be mates with someone like me." I always though that Draco thought he was too good for me, but in reality he thought I was too good.

Something caught my eye at the edge of the forest, I quickly flew to the ground to check it out. "Is everything okay?" Draco asked me as he landed just seconds after me. I looked back at where the large black dog was once standing, "Did you see that dog?" Draco shook his head, "I didn't see any dog," he paused before looking scared, "maybe you have the grim," he lunged at me grabbing my hips. As his hands touched my hips I jumped, "you look freezing, maybe we should head in." I agreed and we walked back to the common room.

The common room was completely empty so we took the most comfortable couch in front of the crackling fire. He took off his signature black jacket and made himself comfortable on the couch. As he kicked his feet up I took a seat next to him. He started telling me about how he wants to have a more interesting job than just working at a desk at the ministry for the rest of his life. "Well Draco," I started saying, "suppressing your feelings for what you really like can potentially be very problematic." He played with his rings before looking up, "very insightful Potter." I looked down on my lap, was that advice for Draco or for me. I looked at Draco, his sharp jawline and his long muscular frame wasn't bad to look at, his usually cold blue eyes were softer now since he wasn't trying to seem intimidating, he really was handsome. I caught myself staring, "lemme see that Malfoy," he took the ring he was playing with off and put it in my open hand. It was heavy and silver with an emerald crest that must've been the Malfoy family crest in the center. Snakes were engraved on the side, "blimey Malfoy how does this thing not weigh you down?" He put his hand out, "ok thats enough give it back." I shook by head, "No I rather like it," I put it on my pointer finger it was way too big so I moved it to my wedding, "maybe I'll keep it." He reached over me to grab it but I moved my hand, he stopped reaching and I sunk into the couch. Draco Malfoy was on top of me, I'm not gonna lie and say that it didn't make me feel something. We stayed like that for a few seconds until the common room door swung open and Draco returned to his side of the couch. 

Kat and Georgina walked in and looked at us suspiciously, "You don't look sick at all, do you feel alright Amelia?" Kat asked, I scrunched my eyebrows, "I feel fine why." "Well then why didn't you go with Ernie to Hogsmeade?" Georgina asked confused. "That git stood me up," the two looked at each other confused before realization suddenly struck Georgina,"Well Amelia we ran into Ernie and he said he was super bummed you couldn't go with him, he then asked if your food poisoning was better." Kat piped in, "Malfoy told him you were too sick to go." 

All the feeling of friendship I felt towards Malfoy today was gone, I was furious. "You did what," I said looking at him as my eyes filled with angry tears, "was this some twisted scheme to embarrass me." Kat and Georgina took the hint and went up stairs. "You saw that I could potentially be happy with someone and you decided to destroy it, you really are cruel Malfoy." He stepped closer, his eyes were filled with obvious fake sympathy, "No, Amelia I promise I didn't mean to hurt you." He paused before continuing." But come on you can do so much better than some Hufflepuff boy." I wiped my tears angrily, "and why is that up to you Malfoy?" He walked closer and looked me up and down, "you really don't understand why Amelia?" I didn't respond, "I didn't want you going with him, don't make me say why Potter." Realization hit, "if you wanted to take me to Hogsmeade you could've asked me, instead you made me look like an idiot." He reached for my hand, "you missed your chance Draco." I broke his stare and started towards the dorm, when I turned back his hand was still out. 

I walked into my dorm, Kat and Georgina were sitting on my bed eagerly waiting for what I had to say. I was feeling overwhelmed with just happened, "He's just a git..... ughhhh he treats me like a speck of dirt on his polished shoes for weeks and now has the nerve to say he likes me... what the hell does he think I'll run into his arms, yeah like hell I will." Their jaws dropped at that. 

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