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*Amelia's POV

It had been almost a month since the start of term, it was now October Sirius Black had yet to be caught, my classes were fine, Draco and I barely had civil interactions, but thankfully I've spent loads of time with George studying in the library and roaming the grounds. 

But quidditch season was starting soon and that meant my schedule was gonna be packed from studying and practices. 

At the first practice the captain of the Slytherin quidditch team rounded us up, "Now this season loosing will not be tolerated," the team nodded in agreement, "now the other teams may be faster but we're stronger." Flint wasn't lying when he said that loosing won't be tolerated, we practiced three times a week for sometimes as  long as three hours. The practices were hard, sometimes rainy, and almost always cold. One day after an especially hard practice I was changing in the locker room, "See you Potter," Sylvia Astaroth, the only other girl on the team said to me. I was putting my stuff in my bag when I heard someone walk in. I looked up, "You know Malfoy you really should knock, I could've been indecent. Draco rolled his eyes, "You know Potter, I don't want to see that." He paused then continued, "I was just noticing that you really aren't playing to your full potential, I'd hate for that to be the reason we lose." I laughed sarcastically, "You noticed that from the stands Malfoy? Say how long are you gonna play that broken arm?" He didn't respond, I stepped closer, "Is it really broken or do you just not want to loose to Harry again?" The mention of Harry caused him to snap, "Watch your mouth you half-blood," he shoved me hard out of the way and walked out. 

After dinner I went to the Gryffindor common room to do homework with George and Fred. When I walked in everyone was surrounding the announcement board buzzing excitedly, "What's happened?" I asked, "First Hogsmeade weekend," said Ron, pointing at a notice that had appeared on the battered old bulletin board. "End of October. Halloween." George patted the spot next to him and I took a seat, Harry who was looking pretty down was staring at his lap.  "Harry, I'm sure you'll be able to go next time," I said, trying to cheer him up. "They're bound to catch Black soon.He's been sighted once already."  "Black's not fool enough to try anything in Hogsmeade," Ron said. "Ask McGonagall if you can go this time, Harry. The next one might not be for ages —" "Amelia!" said Hermione. "Harry's supposed to stay in school, as his sister you should be worried about his safety." "He can't be the only third year left behind," said Ron. "Ask McGonagall, go on, Harry " "Yeah, I think I will," said Harry, making up his mind. I was thankful that the Dursleys signed my slip in the beginning of summer. 

George and I did homework for the next hour and a half, slowly the numbers began to dwindle until it was just the twins and I. "Well I'm done for the night, see you two later," Fred walked up to the boys dormitory and it left just George and I.  He signed and plopped his feet onto the coffee table, he leaned his head on my shoulder, "Amelia, can we give this homework a break, I think I've done enough to last for the rest of the term." I put my ancient ruins essay down and leaned toward him, "Well Wesley I guess I've gotten a reasonable amount of work done for the night," our foreheads were touching. 

I got up and started putting my stuff in my book bag, "Leaving already  Potter?" I leaned over the couch where he was sitting, "Well Wesley it's a long walk to the dungeon." We said our goodbyes and I started walking down to the common room. George and I's friendship was different this year, we were closer it was less like an older brother looking out for his sister and more best friends who could potentially turn to something more.

I got into the common room and it was empty besides Draco sitting on the chair reading a book, I tried to tip toe quietly so he would't hear me. "Where have you been Potter," he set the book down, "slumming it with Wesley?" "What's it to you Malfoy, are you jealous?' He scoffed in annoyance, "get over yourself Potter." He got up and walked to the boys room before I could respond. 

The next day I was working on my potions homework when I felt a light tap on my shoulder, it was Ernie Macmillan a Hufflepuff boy who was my herbology partner. "Oh hi Ernie, do you need something?"He leaned on the desk and ruffled his dirty blonde hair, " Well erm I was just wondering if you understand Snape's homework." I  put my hair in a low messy bun, "Yeah I actually just finished it," I patted the seat next to me, "You  can sit with me if you need help." He took the seat and I started explaining the effects of the Erumpet Potion he listened intently, "you know you should be writing this down Ernie." He shifted in the chair, "Well yeah about that I really didn't need potions help, I just needed an excuse to come talk to you." I furrowed my eyebrows,"I was just wondering you wanted to go to Hogsmede with me?" I hesitated before answering, "unless no ones asked you yet." I looked at the boy's wide smile, even though we weren't that close Ernie was pretty cute, "no, I'd love to." He got up from the chair, "Well then I'll see you around Amelia Potter," he walked back to where a group of Hufflepuff boys were sitting he whispered something excitedly and Justin Finch-Fletchey patted his back. 

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