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The start of December rolled around and as the air got colder I started increasing my time spent with Brooks and trying to avoid Draco as much as possible. Not because I wanted to, but because I didn't trust myself around him. 

"I don't know why you spend so much time in the library, it's so boring," George said as he laid his head on the desk. Vivian and I were doing daily afternoon trip to the library and George decided to join. "She needs a break from Brooks every so often," Vivian said with a smirk. 

"That Durmstrang boy?" George asked perking up, "you should stay away from him Millie, those Bulgarians are different." I rolled my eyes, "I like him, he's nice." The two of them raised their eyebrows, "better than Malfoy," George said begrudgingly. "I should go," he said picking up his stuff, "I hate the library." 

Vivian gave me a confused look, "Why would you do that?" "Do what," I asked wanting to back to my lengthy essay. "He obviously likes you and you just straight up told him you weren't interested." I shook my head and tried to shake it off, George didn't like me. We were friends, close friends. 

"I knew you guys would be here," Gabby said, she must've enchanted her hair it was glowing. As she took a seat she scanned the room, "Is he here?" "Who?" Vivian and I asked in synch, "Viktor Krum of course, I hear he's always here." 

Viktor Krum was always here, but he wasn't today. "He's not here, he left about thirty minutes ago." She let out a disappointed grunt. "Amelia," a small voice said from behind me, I turned around to see Daphne's younger sister Astoria. "Professor Snap wants to see everyone fourth year and above in the common room, Daphne told me to come fetch you." 

Astoria was a pretty second year, she had long dark hair that contradicted Daphne's blonde. But she always looked rather frail, Daphne said she most likely carried the family curse. 

I went to the common room, every student above fourth year was sitting or standing facing Professor Snape. Georgina waved me over and  I took the seat they were saving for me. 

"The Yule Ball is approaching — a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament," giggles broke out among the group, especially among the girls. Snape glared at the giggles soon were silenced. "Try not to embarrass yourselves, or the Slytherin house for that matter," he said in a tone of disgust. 

He exited the common room and chatter broke out, "I am so excited," Kat said with a big smile. "I wonder who everyone will ask," I said as I looked around the room, trying to make pairings in my head. Draco was staring at me, my mind wondered to the picture of us dancing in. Him holding me tightly by the waist, I didn't want him to ask me, but at the same time I needed it.

"No one will ask me," Daphne said staring at Theo who was deep into a conversation with Tracy Davis. Georgina looked disgusted at the group of boys, "we can go together Daphne." 

Georgina didn't have to worry about a date, she had Alistair. It seemed as if Kat could read my mind, "Georgina you know Alistair will ask you-" "Oh please," Georgina cut her off, "my parents would never approve of that." "He's a pureblood," Kat said confused, "and I think they are pretty rich," Daphne added. 

Georgina shook her head, "he may be a pure blood, but he's not pure enough. Daphne you should know this, don't your parents  want you with someone on the Sacred Twenty Eight." Daphne looked embarrassed, "it's not marriage, it's just a ball."

 Many of the Sacred Twenty-Eight were Slytherins, Daphne and Georgina both were on it, but the Macleries, Kat's family didn't make the cut. 

"I have to go get something from my room," Kat said getting up suddenly, "I'll help," I said following her up the stairs. She didn't need anything, instead she just sank onto her bed looking defeated. "I hate when they bring up that dumb list, my mother is a Malfoy for gods sake."This may seem dumb for Kat to be mad about, but she lived a high society life but her family was never truly accepted. 

"My father was a great man," I nodded my head and patted her back, "who cares that his mother was a half-blood, not even a muggle born a half-blood." She laid on her side, but something caught her eye. 

"What's that," she pointed to something under my bed, I prayed it wasn't my journal. She got under her knees and started laughing, "Is this firewhiskey?" 

I let out a sign of relief, "I forgot I had that down there," all bad feelings about her family's "tarnished" blood vanished. "We can't just let this good beverage go to waste." 

I followed her back down to the common room, she wrapped her arms around Blaise from behind. "Amelia has quite the stash of firewhiskey," the group of boys perked up, "firewhiskey, really?" Theo asked with a growing smirk. "Sounds tempting, " Draco said raising his eyebrows, "I don't have that much-"  "Perfect, we can keep the group small," Theo said rubbing his hands together. 

It had been a stressful week of essays and homework, I deserved to let loose. 

After dinner Theo and Draco had persuaded Miles Bletchley who was a prefect to tell the first, second, and third years that if they came downstairs it would result in detention for a week. 

I was thankful George had given me so much, it was going fast. The band the Weird Sisters was playing very loudly, couples were making out, and everyone was dancing. Georgina was dancing with Daphne on a table and Kat and Blaise were getting quite handsy on the leather couch. One person stood apart from the rest, Draco was still in his white button down but his tie was loose and I had to say he looked quite attractive. 

I downed my fourth drink before approaching him, "Draco," he looked at me amused, "care to dance?" He shook his head, "no, I prefer to watch you," I got close to his ear, "I'm sure you do, but if you don't want to dance with me, maybe Graham wants to." Graham smirked, I grabbed his tie and pulled him to the center of the room. I loved to dance, but even though I was dancing with Graham I was staring dead at Draco. His arms were folded in front of him and he looked disgusted, I felt hand crawling up my skirt and my attention was forced away from him. 

"Stop it Graham," I tried to pull away from him but he was almost double my size, his hands went higher. "She said stop Montague," Draco said loudly, he scoffed and pulled me closer. "We can share, can't we Malfoy?" I knew what was coming, soon enough Graham was clutching his bloody nose. But Draco didn't stop there, "Stop Draco," he almost hit me like he did months ago. But his eyes softened when he saw me.

I didn't feel good, "Amelia you look green," Theo said concerned, that last drink was starting to settle in. "I'm just tired," I tried to walk towards the dorm, but I couldn't. Strong arms grabbed me before I could fall, "Let's just get you to bed," Draco said as he held me tight. "Just take me to your room,-" he looked at me confused, "just to sleep, you perv." He led me to the boys dorm and somehow managed to open the door without losing his tight grip on my waist. The boys dorm was exactly how you would picture it, messy and disgusting. 

But out of all the beds, one was made perfectly and was spotless of loose clothing. I took off my tight tie and Draco immediately looked the other way, "just my tie Draco." I laid down onto his bed, it smelled like him. But not so much that it was overwhelming, it was more comforting. He looked at me uncomfortable, I patted the spot next to me and he laid down. 

Sober Amelia would never do this, but I wasn't thinking. I rested my head onto his hard chest and he pulled me tight. He was stiff, but after a few minutes Draco relaxed. "This doesn't mean anything Draco," I could feel him smirk, "sure it doesn't Amelia." 

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