Summary of 1st and 2nd Year

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*3rd person POV

Throughout the first year at Hogwarts, Amelia tried to make her own name and break from the shadows of her brothers fame. She excelled in her studies and in her second year became a chaser on the Slytherin quidditch team. Amelia is neck-in-neck with Hermione when it comes to grades and she soon made her own name at Hogwarts. Her, Georgina, and Kat got even closer and she spent holidays either at their estates or with the Wesleys. While her brother is best friends with Ron she prefers Fred and George and they are quite the trio.

She watched from afar as Harry went on his adventures but she definitely contributed in getting the golden trio out of the problems they got themselves into. When it came to her housemates she made many friends and few enemies (Pansy Parkinson was an enemy). Amelia and Draco Malfoy slowly escalated from enemies to friends, much to her brothers dismay.

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