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*Kats estate; summer going into third year

"Millie wake up it's time for breakfast." I roll over and open my eyes to see my best friend Kat standing over me. I had been staying at her family's estate in Scotland for the summer, thankfully I never had to step foot into the Dursley's this summer. I pitied Harry who had been there since the start of break, but we were going to meet the Wesleys at the Leakey Cauldron. The Wesleys had spent the summer in Egypt after winning the lottery, and I missed them and Harry tons.

I walked downstairs to the dining room where Kat and Mrs. Maclerie were waiting. "Did you sleep well Amelia?" she asked me. "Oh yes, you know I do appreciate you letting me stay here." She waved her arm in a way to say it was no issue. The house-elf Lulu brought my breakfast of eggs benedict. Lulu brought Mrs. Maclerie the morning edition of the Daily Prophet, as soon as she picked it up her eyebrows scrunched nervously. "What is it mum?" Kat questioned. "Oh nothing too important dear, there's just been a breakout from Azkaban. But don't worry girls, they'll catch him before you board the train to Hogwarts." We went back to eating our breakfast, "I wish you didn't have to leave tomorrow," Kat said. "It's been such a fun summer, but I do miss my brother and the twins." Kat raised her eyebrow, " A certain twin in particular?" I looked at her in a confused way. "Oh please, I can't pretend I haven't seen those long letters from George and all the Egyptian souvenirs. " This girl must be going bloody crazy, "Oh cmon Kat, he's like a brother to me. Don't think I haven't noticed all those essays from Blaise." And with that, the discussion was over.

Mrs. Maclerie cleared her throat, "Girls I forgot to tell you but I have invited the Malfoys over for dinner tonight." Kat gave a sarcastic smile," Oh great, we have to spend Amelia's last night here with Draco." Mrs. Maclerie scolded her, "It's not an issue, I don't mind." I said it's not that I disliked Draco we were somewhat friends from all the time we spent together at quidditch practice. But sometimes he's just plain rude.After breakfast, Kat and I returned upstairs to pack my departure the following morning. As she helped me pack my clothes and books, I noticed for the first time in the entire summer hidden in the clump of pictures of Georgina, Kat, and I, clips of articles from Witch Weekly, and Quidditch posters there was a picture of a man who bore a strikingly similar resemblance to Kat. I thought to myself that even though we had been best friends for almost two years she had only ever mentioned that her father died.

"Kat, you don't have to tell me and I don't want to upset you. But how did your dad die? You never have talked about it." Kat turns to me surprised, she coughs a little before responding. "I didn't talk about it cause I just assumed someone told you at some point. I mean I guess he died the same way your parents did." She paused before continuing."He was killed by You-Know-Who's followers for refusing to help him in the First Wizarding War." I look at her sympathetically, "Kat I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad." She gave her best attempt at a smile, "Oh no it's nothing, I mean I never knew him." For the first time I realized that even though Kat was always in such a bubbly free-spirited mood and she grew up in a manor with everything she wanted, she had a hole in her heart the same I did.

We continued packing and I picked it up a miniature pyramid that was sent to me by George. Is there a chance that he sees me as more than a sister or a best friend?After all my stuff was finally packed into my trunks, we decided to get ready for dinner with the Malfoys. I put on a yellow sundress and Kat wore just a simple black dress.Lulu entered Kats bedroom, "Miss, your mother has sent me to tell you that the Malfoys have arrived." She said in her squeaky voice. I followed Kat down the grand stairway. But I stopped in my treks the boy that was at the bottom of the stairs was not the same Draco Malfoy I had known for two years.

*Draco's POVI'm bloody shocked, to say the least, Potter who I had never felt any feeling towards in any way for obvious reasons. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, something had changed during the summer. I mean she's never been bad-looking but now she has something about her that's just different. The feelings I had suppressed last year came fluttering back, I had to do everything I could to make sure these feelings never made it to the surface.

*Amelia's POV"Kids why don't you go sit in the sitting room while I go show Narcissa the newest addition to my jewel collection." Mrs. Maclerie said to us. As I and Draco followed Kat towards the room, he moved significantly closer to me. "So how was your summer holidays." I was taken back, the voice that was once marked with a whining tone was now deep and clear. "It was fine, I've been here the whole time and Georgina came down for a few weekends. How was yours?" We sat on the couch, his hand accidentally skimmed my knee. I felt a slight tingle go up my spine. " Oh nothing much, Father was pretty busy so Mother and I went down to France for a few weeks." The three of us talked for a few minutes, I couldn't help but notice Draco staring at me out of the corner of my eye. Lulu came to get us and we walked back to the dining room.

Narcissa Malfoy and Mrs. Maclerie were already sitting at the heads of the table, I sat across from Kat, and surprisingly Draco sat next to me. We had pleasant conversations about the school year, quidditch, and the recent Azkaban escape. "So Amelia, Draco tells me you are one of the brightest in the year." Heat rises to my cheeks, "Mother," Draco says embarrassed. "I wish I was, I mean Hermione Granger and Draco give me a run for my money." Draco smiles at me, he really is acting different today. I don't remember him ever smiling at me unless he had made a witty comment.After everyone had finished dinner, Narcissa rose, "Draco we should be going, it's getting late and Amelia has to leave early tomorrow." Kat laughs and says, "Don't forget how she needs her beauty sleep for George." I glare at her. Draco now standing puts his hand on the back of my chair, "You and Wesley, Potter? I didn't know that was a thing." I could've sworn there was a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"It's not, Kats just trying to be funny," I respond. We walk the Malfoys to the front door to say our goodbyes. "Well, I guess I'll see you guys on the train," Draco says to Kat and me. But for some reason looking only at me.

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