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I was walking towards the common room, from the opposite end of the corridor I saw Draco. He stopped when he saw me, I knew he was waiting. Everything was blurred, he was the only thing in my focus.

"Hey Amelia,"George said as he stepped in front of me, it took me a second to look away from Draco and focus on the ginger boy in front of me. "Hi George, what's going on?" Draco was now looking out the window, I couldn't tell at what exactly. "I was just looking for you, Fred and I were gonna do some work for Wesley's Wizard Wheezes and I wanted to know if you wanted to come with us. I mean you are our top investor and a bit better at staying focused then we are."

I usually would've accepted this invitation with glee, but something told me I needed to talk to Draco. "I- erm I would love to, but I have tons of homework and I promised Georgina and Kat we'd hang out." Disappointment plagued his face, "oh next time then," he said and started walking away, "George" I called, he turned away, "next time, and I promise I'll use my charm to sell some to the Slytherins' with deep pockets." 

George had left my sight, "what are you looking at Malfoy?" I asked as I leaned against the window frame, he dodged my question. Still looking out the window, "Is Kat okay?" he asked, concerned. "Concerned about someone other than yourself, that's surprising-" "She's my family," he said cutting me off. "She's fine, a little shook up but she's tough," I told him. He nodded in response and we stood there silently, "I know you probably hate me," he said finally looking at me. "I don't hate anybody," I responded. "How?" he said shocked, "why can't you just hate me" his voice turning from shocked to angered. "Why, why would you want anyone to hate you?" I asked flustered, "I don't want you to hate me but I need you to," he said taking a step towards me. I looked down the corridor to make sure no one was watching. 

"It's easier to know you hate me than to know you don't want me," I couldn't help myself, I forgot about I had made an oath to stay away from him. I forgot about how much of a git he had been. "Who says I don't," I said taking another step closer. He cupped my face in his hands, "tell me if you want me to stop," I didn't want him to stop. His hands left my face and trailed down my back, stopping just below my waist. Draco pulled me closer aggressively, his eyes lingered at mine for a second, I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled him in, immediately I realized how bad what I was doing was. But I couldn't stop, i needed more, my hands went through his soft blonde hair and he pulled me tightly in. His hands began to trail lower, I finally found the strength to pull myself away. 

I looked in the window and saw my reflection, my hair was messed up and my skirt was wrinkled. I was the picture of the girl who had lost all her self-respect. Draco saw my look of disgust at myself, he put his arm around me"It's not your fault Amelia, it's not your fault you feel this way."  I shook his hand off of me, "It is my fault, this shouldn't happen." "Why?" he asked me, "didn't you like how it felt, how it feels when we're together." It did feel amazing, "a little too much," I responded. 

I tried walking away be he grabbed my hand and pulled me back, "be my girlfriend Potter," I snickered, "that didn't sound like a request," he took a step closer, "it wasn't" he responded. I ripped my hand out of his, "show me," I demanded, "show me you're serious about me, show me you can treat me with respect, and prove to me it won't be a waste of my time." I turned away from him and started walking, "I will never hurt you again Potter and I will never break your heart." I turned around to respond, "It's not my heart I'm scared of." 

After dinner I ran to catch up with Harry, "Harry I need a favor," he raised his eyebrows, "I need the invisibility cloak." "For what?" he asked confused, "I just need to follow someone," he thought about it before responding, "Fine," he said, I smiled, "well come on lets go get it," I said pushing Harry towards the Gryffindor common room. I followed Harry up to the boys dormitory, "Oh hi Amelia," Dean Thomas said as he covered his chest up, and quickly put on a shirt. 

"What do you need it for anyway?" Harry asked curiously, "Well how else am I gonna come see Ron at night," Dean and Seamus burst into laugher and Ron almost choked on his water. Harry didn't crack a smile, I grabbed the cloak from him, "You know brother for being the chosen one you really have no sense of humor," he just rolled his eyes. "Well boys I should go, good to see you all," I opened the door but before I could leave I looked at Dean, "bye Dean." I closed the door but before I shut it completely I heard Harry, "get rid of the smirk Dean." 

I ran to the kitchens and snuck some coffee from the house elves. The common room was pretty empty, Kat was waiting for me, "did you get it," she asked eagerly. I put on the cloak and her jaw dropped, "blimey I didn't know Harry had an invisibility cloak." I handed her a cup of coffee, and we headed up to "sleep." 

The coffee really was strong, I looked at my clock, it was 12:00 and I didn't even feel the slightest bit tired. I heard movement and sure enough Georgina was tip towing, she threw her robe on and crept out of the dormitory. The minute the door shut silently behind her, Kat and I were out of our beds. I reached under my bed and grabbed the cloak, "ok lets go," I threw the cloak over us and we crept out of the dormitory and out of the common room. I soon realized our footsteps were rather loud, "stop," I whispered. "Quietus," I whispered pointing at our feet, sure enough the sound of our footsteps was dead silent. 

"How will we find Georgina?" Kat whispered, she had a point the corridors were empty. "Appare vestigium," sure enough footsteps appeared, "blimey Millie, I didn't know you could do that." I didn't even know I could do that myself, I had read about the spell but wasn't even sure it would work. 

We followed the footsteps and a few minutes later we had caught up to Georgina. "Where is she going?" I whispered to Kat, "Maybe she's hungry," she responded. It looked as if Georgina was heading straight to the kitchens. She stopped in front of a painting,  "What is she-" "shh" Kat shushed me, "I think that's the Hufflepuff entrance," why would Georgina be going to the Hufflepuff common room, she hated Hufflepuffs. 

My question was answered, a few minutes later a boy emerged from the painting. Kat gasped, and then immediately covered her mouth. Alistair and Georgina looked to where the noise had come from but then immediately shrugged it off when they saw nothing. "I've been waiting," Georgina said annoyed, "Well I'm sorry Miss Rosier, I was expecting you at 12:15." 

Georgina followed Alistair hand-in-hand into the Hufflepuff common room and Kat and I ran back to the dungeons. Right when we entered we flung the cloak off of us, we were both shocked to say the least. "I can't believe it," Kat said pacing, "and why wouldn't she tell us." I nodded, "she pretends to loath that boy,"  I said, "you don't think they you know-" Kat looked at me shocked, "I mean I wouldn't be surprised, what else would they be doing." 

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