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I woke up with a throbbing head and a bad taste in my mouth. God why was my bed so hot, I rolled around trying to find a cool spot. I gasped I was face to face with Draco Malfoy, we were both clothed, that was a good sign. How drunk was I that I willingly got into bed with him?

I silently got up and tried to get out of the bed, but his strong arm pulled me back. "Leaving already?" He asked, his morning voice was deeper than normal. "You are quite the cuddler Potter, not that I'm complaining." I pulled myself up, "I'll see you at breakfast Draco." I didn't want to leave the bed, I don't how to stop myself from feeling this way. 

My friends were all still sleeping, Daphne was sprawled across the floor, Georgina was in just her white button down, and Kat had her head slightly leaning to the side. "Oh bloody hell," I said disgusted, next to Kat's bed there was a spilled bowl of puke. "Scourgify," I said pointing my wand to the mess, there was some soap and almost instantly the wood floor was spotless again. 

"Amelia," Kat said groggily, wiping some drool from the side of her mouth. Poor girl was a mess, her usual perfect blonde hair was messy and she was in just a sweater and her underwear. "Hey darling," I said taking a seat next to her. She lifted herself up to sit upright, "Pansy is furious with you." "For what?" I asked, Pansy was always made at me for something.

"She thinks you and Draco did it last night-" "we didn't," she looked like she didn't believe me. "Come on Kat you know I wouldn't do that," "I know, I know it's just Pansy really thinks you did." 

I got out of the bed and started changing out of my uniform, "I'm not afraid of her, what can Parkinson do to me." She shrugged her shoulders, "Come on," I said trying to get her out of bed, "I'm starving Kat." 

She shook me off of her, "Go without me, I'm so tired." I looked around the room, no one else seemed close to getting up. I hoped Vivian and Gabby would be in the Great Hall. 

"Amelia," a loud voice called to me from the Gryffindor table. I waved to George and started towards him, "The Slytherins seemed to have a wild night," Fred said as he scanned the obviously slow moving Slytherins. "You could say that," I said, "Hey um Amelia could I talk to you alone," George said guiding me away from Fred and Lee. "What is it George?" "Well you heard about the ball right?" I nodded my head, "I mean we're such good friends you know I thought-"

"There you are Potter," Draco said as he spotted me, my heart dropped when I saw the tie in his hand. He was going to play that card and there was nothing I could do. "What does he want?" George asked annoyed, I shrugged. "You forgot this," Draco said handing me my tie, "I found it under my bed, and thought you might want it back." He said the last part loudly, everyone at the Gryffindor table perked up, Harry included. 

George scrunched his eyebrows, "Sorry for interrupting," Draco said with a smirk, and he walked to the Slytherin table. I stuffed my tie into my pockets, "What were you saying George-" "Just forget it Amelia," he said coldly. He went back to where he was sitting, I followed him. "Just tell me George-" "What do you see in him, you deserve so much better Amelia," He said looking down at his plate. 

"Nothing happened George, you know I'm not like that," "Look Amelia-" he said turning to look at me, "it's not my fault that you can't see how much better you deserve. Just go back to your table." I stood there for a second, I turned and left the Great Hall. I wasn't hungry anymore. 

On my way back to the common room I passed Pansy and her gang, as I passed Pansy fake coughed, "Slut," she said just loud enough for me to hear. "Funny Parkinson, because not that it's any of your business nothing happened between Draco and I." She glared at me, "really," she said with a smile that made me want to slug her. She took a step closer, so that only I would hear. "he told me differently, he told me what you two did. Stop acting so perfect Potter, we both know you are really just a poser, you're a failure a whore, a disgrace to Slytherin." 

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