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"Should we say something to her?" Kat asked me as we went down to breakfast, "No, we should let her come to us." It was Saturday so Georgina could sleep in without raising questions. 

After breakfast Kat, Gabby, Vivian, and I decided to spend a few hours in the library because teachers really were pounding us with work. A few minutes in Alistair and Cedric strutted in, Cedric was cracking up about something but they were too far for us to hear. 

Cedric saw us and walked over, "Ladies," he said before turning to Vivian, "You're brother has quite a nice collection of hickeys Viv." Viv pretended to throw up, Kat and I looked at each other and struggled to hold it in."Who was the lucky lady," Gabby asked curiously, "that's why I came over here, I thought Vivian would know." Before Vivian could answer Alistair joined Cedric, I had to cup my hands over my mouth to suppress my giggles. 

The hickeys were rather apparent, there were three that lined his neck and the boarded of his chest and sweatshirt. "I told you, I got a rash from that potion we made in class yesterday," "I can't wait to put this in my letter to mother," Vivian giggled. Alistair glared at her before taking a table with Cedric and another Hufflepuff boy.

One by one my friends finished their work, I assured them I would be fine by myself and soon it was just me struggling to finish my Ancient Ruins essay. I felt a body sit across from me, but I didn't need to look up to know who it was.

"You know Draco, my bruise was just starting to heal," I said not looking up from my parchment. "How many time do I have to say I'm sorry," he said rather tensely, I let my face fall into a smirk, "it was a joke Malfoy." 

He started taking out his books, "You know Draco I have a lot of work and I can't have any- "what does it look like I'm doing." "Ok," I said," juts don't be too loud." We fell into silence, the only sound was our quills scratching against parchment. I finally finished my essay, I looked up and saw Draco not working but smirking at me. His eyes immediately fell back down to his work. "What," I asked confused, "nothing," he responded, "well now you have to tell me," I said with a smile. 

He looked back up at me and started laughing, "it's just, when you're really thinking in class or while doing work you bite your lip." I raised my eyebrows, "and you think I look funny or something Malfoy?" He shook his head and leaned across the table, "quite the opposite actually Potter, I think it's rather hot." 

The next two weeks went by and my confusion about my feelings for Draco were paired with the rising stress that went with the sudden increase of homework. Georgina was still disappearing a few times a week, but she had yet to say anything to us. "It's ridiculous," Kat said to Georgina and I as we walked out of the Great Hall following dinner, "our OWL exams are a year away, the teachers are acting like they are next week. 

"What's everyone looking at?" Georgina said as she motioned towards a large group of students milling around a large sign. Even Georgina the tallest of our three couldn't read it. "Struggling ladies?" Fred said to the three of us, Fred and George were 6'5 and towered above most of the students. "The delegations from Beauxbatons andDurmstrang will be arriving at 6 o'clockon Friday the 30th of October. Lessons willend half an hour early —Students will return their bags and booksto their dormitories and assemble in frontof the castle to greet our guests beforethe Welcoming Feast." George read to us. 

I turned around, I didn't realize how close George was standing. "Brilliant," I said excitedly, "I wonder who from Hogwarts will be chosen." "I heard Cedric Diggory is going to enter-" "Oh great," George snarked. 

"You just don't like him because he beat Gryffindor at Quidditch," said Georgina said. "He's a really good student — and he's a prefect," I said defending Cedric."You only like him because he's handsome," said Fred scathingly."He's not handsome," George muttered under his breath. 

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