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"Amelia how'd he do it," "You have to tell us," "Of course Potter found a way, but how?" "Did you help him Amelia?"

 I was bombarded with questions when I entered the Slytherin common, after saying "I don't know" for what seemed to be the hundredth time, Georgina had enough. "She said she doesn't know, do you need her to repeat slowly for you," the small crowd gathered around me dispersed instantly. 

"Come on Mil," Kat said leading me towards our favorite couches by the fire, "Ignore them," she whispered when we passed Tracy Davis, Millicent, and Pansy whispering while staring at me. It's not like I cared, those three girls had never made an effort to be my friend. 

Daphne, Blaise, and Theo were already sitting, without thinking I automatically scanned the room for Draco. He was sitting near Pansy with Crabbe and Goyle. "Ok Amelia now that it's just your close friends, why don't you tell us how your brother did it," Theo said leaning in eyebrows raised. Georgina scoffed annoyed, I leaned in close to his ear, "Can you keep a secret," he nodded excitedly, "I don't know." He fell back disappointed, "I'm going to bed," "I'll come with you," Georgina said following me up the stairs. 

 We got changed into our pjs and I climbed into my cozy bed, "Do know what happened between Daphne and Pansy," Georgina asked as she took a seat on the foot of my bed. "What do you mean?" I asked, "Well Daphne has always been our friend but I feel like she has been especially close to us lately." I guess I had noticed that Daphne had been sitting with us in class, during meals, and during study hall. "Yeah I don't know," I responded, "maybe they had a falling out." 

I did like Daphne, she was sweet like Kat but she wasn't as outgoing, her and Georgina were from similar families, but she wasn't quite as outspoken. She was a good fit for our friend group. 

The next day was Sunday, Vivian and I had a routine that very Sunday morning we'd go to the library to get some work done. This Sunday was no different, after breakfast Vivian and I headed to the library and grabbed our favorite table by the window. 

"Has Georgina been acting strange recently?" She asked after a few minutes of silent studying, the way she said it sounded as if she already knew the answer. "I don't know, has she?" I wasn't sure if she knew, Alistair was her brother though. She opened her mouth like she was about to talk but a sound didn't come out, "do you know something?" I asked, "do you?" she said scrunching her eyebrows. We both realized that neither of us would admit what we know, "how has Alistair been?" I asked trying to bait it out of her if she did know, her face broke out into a smirk. "You do know," she said between giggles, "did she tell you?" I told her the story of how Kat and I followed her, "did Alistair tell you?" "Oh god no, my brother tells me nothing. I had my suspicions when Georgina snuck out that night because Alistair was awfully slow moving that day as well, then he had the hickeys, and then a few days ago I saw a Slytherin tie in his pocket and it just so happened that Georgina wasn't wearing a tie that day." 

Vivian was observant, but I wish Georgina could admit her secret relationship with the handsome Hufflepuff. "I don't even want to think about whats going on between them," Vivian gagged as she finished her sentence.  We talked about the tournament for a few minutes before an unexpected visitor joined us. 

"Hi Ron, " I said obviously confused, "do you need something." He shook his head, "Erm, I just wanted to talk you."

 Vivian gathered her stuff, "I should go, I'll see you later Millie." It was just Ron and I, I had never really been with him without Harry nearby, it was quite awkward. After a few seconds I realized he wouldn't talk first, "So where is the Triwizard champion?" Ron slumped in the chair and he grinned, it wasn't his usual grin but more of a scoff. 

"Probably getting his picture taken," Ron said in a somewhat malicious way. "Is everything okay between you and Harry," he didn't respond, "Ron?" "You might be the only one who knows how I feel." I knew what he was trying to say, "It's always him, I mean am I nothing more than Harry Potter's best friend." "I know how you feel," I said quietly, "I knew you would," he gave me a sincere grin, "I think you've done a good job proving that you are more than his sister-" "You have too Ron," I don't think he believed me. 

We sat in silence again, "You know I don't think he put his name in the Cup, Ron," his face didn't react. "It's just the fact he was chosen, not how his name got in there." 

I put my hand on his shoulder to show that I knew how he felt, he returned the act with a grateful smile. Ron got up to leave, "Thanks for talking to me Amelia," I smiled, he started walking away but turned around to say one more thing. "George was looking for you by the way." I nodded my head, "Thanks Ron."

I finished up my potions assignment before packing up and going to find George. I didn't have to go far, "There you are," George said he jogged towards me in the corridor. "I almost didn't recognize you without the beard," George stroked his bare chin, "Do you have a thing for old men Miss Potter." "You caught me Weasley." "Well come on, I have to show you something," he grabbed my wrist and lead me down the corridor. 

We stopped at a one-eyed witch statue, "I have to say, I am thoroughly unimpressed." he lifted his finger to my lips, "shhhhh." He checked the hallway to make sure no one was watching. He tapped the hump with the tip of his wand and it swung open, "come on now," I followed him through. 

"What is this George," "It leads to Hogsmeade, Fred and I decided to sneak out last night to get some much needed goods," he pointed his wand to an empty corner of the passageway, "Revelio." A black bag appeared, George opened it and handed it to me. My jaw dropped when I saw the contents, "Bloody hell George is this firewhiskey?" He nodded his head proudly, "I was sure to grab you a few bottles, go on then take them."

I laughed quietly while stuffing a few bottles in my bag, "you are a saint George Weasley." 

I hid the bottles in the bottom of my trunk, I wonder when they'll be a special enough occasion to take them out. 

I went back down to the common room to finish some more work, "Amelia," Kat called to me as she entered the common room with Daphne, "your brother wants you, he's on the stairs." 

It took him long enough, I'm his sister and it took him a day to talk to me about this shocking revelation. "You were looking for me Harry?" He turned around and I saw it right away; he was stressed, overwhelmed, and not ready for what was to come. "You know I didn't enter right," he said in a desperate tone, "Of course I know that Harry, no offense but I don't think you have the skill to get over the age line." I could tell he was the grateful I was one of the few who believed him , "and truthfully Harry I don't think you have the skill for these competitions." 

He nodded his head, it wasn't an attack on his skills but his competitors had three years on him. "Did you talk to Ron?" "A little, why?" He bit the inside of his cheek, "he doesn't believe me. You know I'd willingly give him this opportunity-" "You don't understand where he's coming from, he has all those brothers who are exceptional at what they do and then he gets to Hogwarts and he's the famous Boy-Who-Live's best friend-" 

"I didn't ask for this," I was taken back at Harry's aggressive tone,  "I know but there's just some things you have to get used to." He has to accept that he has to compete whether he likes it or not, the same way I had to accept that where-ever I went I had the last name Potter following me around. 

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