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*Amelia's POV

I wake up and notice all my stuff is gone besides my outfit I put out the night before, Lulu must have brought it down while I was still sleeping. I put on my outfit and walked downstairs for breakfast.

Kat and Mrs

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Kat and Mrs. Maclerie had already started eating. "I already sent your trunks to the Leakey Cauldron, I thought it would be easier than you trying to use floo powder with them." Mrs. Maclerie said to me. "Oh thank you so much, I really don't know how to pay you guys back after all you've done for me this summer." I said. "Oh nonsense you're welcome here anytime honey," she responded. After breakfast we went to the living room fireplace and said our goodbyes. "I'll see you soon Millie." Kat said as she hugged me. I gave one finale goodbye before grabbing a handful of the powder, stepping into the fireplace, and shouting "The Leakey Cauldron."

After a few seconds my feet touched the ground, almost immediately I heard the familiar voice of Molly Wesley, "Oh Amelia dear we've been waiting for you, and perfect timing look who we just found." She said while embracing me in a tight hug. I greeted all the Wesleys and Hermione but quickly noticed that George and Fred weren't there, but someone else was. "Harry, you weren't supposed to come until tomorrow." We hug and Harry responds, "It's a long story." We sit down and he explains to me how he lost his temper with Aunt Marge and made her blow up like a balloon. "Blimey Harry, Vernon must have been furious, say where are the twins?" Molly smiled and quickly responded, "Room 169 dear."

Ron quickly stood up,"I can show you where it is." Harry and Hermione looked at him confused, "I'm sure Millie can find the room Ron," Hermione said. "Oh come on Ron, we can catch up."

I follow him up the stairs, he tells me about the family trip to Egypt and I listened intently. We soon approached room 169, "I'll see you later Ron, ok." He smiled blushing slightly, hmm that was weird. I open the door and creep in, George and Fred are sitting away from the door working on something that smells likes shite. I creep behind George and put hands over his eyes and whisper "boo" into his ears.

He jumps dropping whatever green liquid he was holding, "Did ya miss me?"I ask cheekily. George looks at me, he looks up and down at me and embraced me in a large hug, "Of course I missed you," he said. My mind wondered back to the conversation I had with Kat, did George and I have the potential to be more than just friends? Soon I realized the hug was now past the awkward time limit, we broke apart and I blushed slightly. Thankfully the awkward silence was broken by Fred "Did you forget there were two of us or were you just saving the best for last?" I laughed and we hugged. I sat down and the three of us filled each other in on our summer vacations. Fred showed me all the cool Egyptian potions and magical objects he brought back, "You know Millie, Fred decided to buy all this stuff instead of buying you a nice birthday present." I gasp at Fred and jokingly punch his arm, " I just assumed my owl dropped them." Fred looks at me grin on his face, "Well you know I thought George spent enough money on it that it would say from Fred and George."

George looks up, "I mean I didn't spend that much." I smiled and held up the bracelet he got me, it was silver with an eye of Horus, an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power, and good health. I wouldn't tell him this but in reality I hadn't taken it off since Meg delivered it. Fred sat next to me and noticed the snake earrings Draco got me from my birthday. "Blimey Millie these are quite Slytherin aren't they, but I mean the emerald eyes add a nice touch." He said. George then started taking a notice, "Blimey Amelia how much did those cost you." I looked down and played with my bracelet, "I actually don't know they were a gift."

George and Fred looked at each other, "Well whatever bloke got that for you must be madly in love with you." I laughed in a way to try and hide my blush,"Oh don't be ridiculous Malfoy is to narcissistic to love anyone but himself." George started laughing, "Come on Millie you're not that dim witted are you, Malfoy likes you." I tried to deny it, but my mind wondered back to that night at Kats house, how handsome he looked and how different he acted towards me.

Fred left to go grab a snack and it was just George and I, "So Mrs. Malfoy how do your in-laws feel about you being a half-blood." I grabbed the nearest pillow and swung as hard as I could, "Shove off George." He soon attacked back, he remembered just how ticklish I was and soon had me pinned down. I was laughing hysterically, truthfully I was close to pissing my pants. I realized how close our faces were to each other and he stopped, we just looked at each other for a few seconds. The door swung open and it was Ron, Harry, and Hermione.

George jumped off of me and I nervously pulled my dress down, this definitely looked bad. Harry looked furious and Ron just looked uncomfortable, "Mum just wanted me to get you guys for lunch,"Ron said to the two of us. "Oh perfect I'm starving," I said. I walked out past them and down the stairs to the restaurant.

Mrs and Mr. Wesley, Ginny, Percy, and Fred were already sitting at the table I sat next to Ginny, the rest of them soon came and sat down. The awkward tension was almost as obvious as the glares my brother was giving George. "Millie dear do you have everything you need for school?" Molly asked me, "Yes, I went with the Macleries to Diagon Alley in the beginning of summer. As lunch continued there was casual chit chat but my mind kept going back to that moment between me and George. At least I thought it was a moment, I could've sworn he was gonna kiss me. No that couldn't be true he was one of my best friends, he probably sees me as a little sister and that's it.

After lunch I hung out with Ginny for the rest of the day in order to avoid George but more importantly Harry. We checked out some shops and got ice cream at Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour before returning to the Leakey Cauldron for dinner. After dinner I went up to the room I was sharing with Ginny and Hermione and soon fell asleep.

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