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Everywhere I went on Monday people were gossiping about Harry, the usually kind hearted Hufflepuffs were the cruelest. 

During charms I overhead Ernie Macmillan talking to Justin Finch-Fletchley, "Cedric is the true Hogwarts champion, honestly if Potter got himself killed we might be able to have a normal year." I was clutching my quill so hard it snapped, "he's a git, ignore him," Kat said under her breath. She was right Ernie was a git, him and I had a history that wasn't especially bright and it resulted in a broken nose for him. 

"I wonder who Amelia is gonna cheer on, you know heard her and Cedric got it on during the Quidditch world cup." That was the last straw, Kat didn't even try and stop me when I turned around. "You know Ernie from the way you're talking it sounds like you want to get with Cedric, don't worry I won't mind." "I think her and Cedric was just a rumor," I heard Finch-Fletchley saying. Ernie snickered "I mean she is nice looking, but at the rate she's going there won't be any left," 

Kat huffed loudly and I gritted my teeth, I knew there was a reason why we didn't even attempt a second date. "Langlock," I said quietly while pointing my wand towards Ernie. 

The bell rang a few seconds later and Kat got up quickly, "Wait for it," I whispered. Ernie was clutching  his throat, gulping, unable to speak, owing to the fact that his tongue had just glued itself to the roof of his mouth. "What's the matter," I said to a struggling Ernie, "cats got your tongue?" 

Kat and I laughed the whole way from Flitwicks room down to the grounds, "Oh Millie, that really was clever of you," I continued laughing, "you know everyday I'm shocked you aren't in Ravenclaw," Kat said as she wrapped her arm around me, "then again I'm glad you aren't because then we wouldn't be best friends." 

Kat and I eventually pulled ourselves together and she went up to divinations and I had a free period, I thought it would be a good idea to work outside. Cedric Diggory was sitting on a bench with a few other Hufflepuffs, his golden hair was shining in the sun, I should probably go congratulate him.

"Hey Amelia," he said when he saw me walking towards him, "Hi Cedric, I just wanted to congratulate you, it's a really big honor." He smiled, showy his gleaming white teeth, "actually Amelia could we talk." He got up from the bench and grabbed my waist, he walked me towards a corner of the courtyard where no one would hear us. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry-" "About what?" "Erm," he folded his hands and looked back towards his friends, "Theres a rumor going around and I just wanted you to know I didn't start it." 

Of course he didn't, he was sweet and respectful, the perfect Hufflepuff. "Yeah of course, it's um been going around for a while. I'm sure no one actually believes it." He nodded his head, "Well good, I should get back but just know I'm trying to keep everyone quiet about Harry." "Thanks, but I'm not sure it's working," he lightly touched my waist, "well I'll see you around." 

It took me a second to look away from him as he walked back to his friends. Maybe the library would be a better place to study, I started walking back inside when I heard a noise from above. "You're blushing Potter," I looked up Draco was in a tree looking down at me, "Have you been spying on me Malfoy?" He laughed, "No, I just like the view, care to join me?" 

"Hold my bag would you Theo?" I examined the tree, "You know I'm wearing a skirt Malfoy," he didn't respond, instead he just smirked and raised his eyebrows. Pervert, I shouldn't even be going up there with him, but what could happen in a public place during daylight 

"Need a hand," he put his hand out and hoisted me up. I didn't let go right away, his hands were cold and soft the perfect contrast to my naturally warm hands. I let go after a few seconds, the tree was barely big enough for one let alone two. He leaned back and put his arm tightly around my waist, I squirmed slightly. "Come on Potter," he whispered in my ear, "there's no where else for me to put it, and I really don't want you to fall." 

I readjusted and finally found a comfortable position, his hand was still tightly clutching my waist. "What did Diggory want?" He said Diggory in an almost disgusted tone, "Nothing-" "You looked rather giggly," his grip tightened. 

"Ah theres the second Hogwarts champion," Harry was crossing the courtyard, he didn't look too happy. "Draco please don't," it was too late. 

Draco was already hopping out of the tree, "Why so tense Potter? My father and I have a bet you see. I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament. He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five." Great, this would surely make Harry feel better.

I tried to get down as fast as I could, but my legs weren't nearly as long as Draco's. "I don't give a damn what you or your father thinks Malfoy. He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic," Harry spat through clutched teeth, he turned away from Draco, "Draco stop," he had his wand out and ready to attack. 

I couldn't believe my eyes, Draco was a ferret.  "I'll teach you to cast when someone's back is turned," Moody was moving his wand up and down and the ferret, or should I say Draco, was following the movements. 

"Theo go get a teacher," I said in a panicky tone, Theo listened and ran towards the castle. "Professor stop," I pleaded to Moody, I heard he was mad but not this mad. I soon McGonagall fast walking across the courtyard, trying to keep up with Theo.

"Professor Moody what are you doing?" She said looking at the ferret, "Teaching," he said in a very nonchalant way. "Is that a... is that a student?" McGonagall said in a now frantic tone, "It's Malfoy ma'am Theo said quietly, making sure Moody didn't hear him. 

Moody was now laughing with a crazy look in his eye, he flicks his wand and sends Draco down Crabbe's pants. The courtyard burst into laughter, even I had to stifle a few giggles. McGonagall apparently had enough of this, the ferret transformed back into a very frazzled Draco. 

"My father will hear about this!" He shouted as he ran away from Moody, "I could tell you stories about your Father that would curl even your greasy hair boy! It doesn't end here!"

Crabbe and Goyle followed Draco, "Come on Theo," I said slinging my book bag over my shoulder, we walked down to the common room. "Amelia, can I ask you something," he said in a rather serious tone. "Yeah go ahead," I really didn't know what he'd say, I never knew Theodore Nott to be very serious. 

"Do you like Malfoy," he asked as he stepped in front of me. I did a laugh before trying to walk around him, "you know he likes you," "I'm sure Theo." "I'm not lying, you don't understand the power you hold over him. The way you treat him will be the deciding factor for how he acts during the day or even the week." 

"I'm sure that's not the case Theo," I said as I moved past him and walked alone to the common room. I did everything I could to avoid a relationship with Draco, if there was even potential for one. I couldn't allow myself into the vulnerable position where me getting hurt was unavoidable. 

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