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I was the first to wake up that morning, "wake up sleeping beauty," I said to Kat as I shook her awake. "Who the bloody hell is that?" she said confused, I forgot she had never heard any muggle fairytales. I got changed and brushed my hair out, Kat and I were all ready but Georgina had yet to get out of bed. "Come on Millie, she can starve if she wants to," Kat said leading me out of the dormitory, "I'll meet you down there," Georgina groaned as she slowly got out of bed. 

"Wonder whats up with her," I said as we walked down to the Great Hall, "I don't think she slept much last night," I raised my eyebrows, "I heard leave and I was back asleep before she came back." Where would Georgina go in the middle of the night, "you don't think she was seeing a boy do you," I asked. Kat laughed, "a boy and Georgina, how many times has she said that they are just a distraction and a waste of space." 

We got to breakfast and examined our schedule, "I have double divination today," Kat said annoyed, I had dropped Divinations and Care of Magical Creatures and instead was takin Arithmancy and Ancient Ruins. "Potter if you told me you were taking Ancient Ruins I would've dropped that oaf Hagrid's class," Draco said as he sat next to me. "I think I can manage an hour without you Malfoy," I said sarcastically. The swarm of owls came in with the daily mail, Draco's large eagle owl dropped a large goody basket. Meg, my black owl, landed next to me with an envelope and parcel. 

Dear Amelia,

I'm sorry I haven't sent you many letters, it's been a hard past few months. I was cleaning out a few boxes and I found this ring, it was a gift from your father to your mother for Valentines Day in 6th year, I thought it would be fit that you had it. I hope you enjoy this exciting year at Hogwarts.

Stay Safe,

Reamus Lupin

I quickly ripped open the parcel, inside there was a small box I carefully opened it revealing a beautiful victorian era style ring with a single pearl in the middle. I put it on my right hand and it fit perfectly. Georgina didn't come down to breakfast and she arrived to transfigurations late. "Sorry Professor McGonagall," she said and quickly and took a seat next to me. I raised my eyebrows at her, "what," she said confused as she pulled out her parchment. 

After class Kat and I interrogated Georgina, "I just needed some fresh air," "yeah ok," Kat said not believing her. "What would you know?" Georgina said angrily, "I'm not an idiot you know," Kat responded. Georgina didn't even hesitate, "the way you act around Zabini gives me reasons to believe otherwise," Kat huffed angrily, "you wonder why everyones scared of you," she said before walking away This was awkward, it was just Georgina and I, "you must think I'm a git," Georgina said under her breath, "I don't, it's just you know Kat can be sensitive." 

My next class was  Arithmacy, my only friend was Vivian so I naturally sat next to her and filled her in on the drama. Before she could give me her theory the bell rang and we had to listen to an especially boring lecture  from Professor Vector. "What were you saying," I asked Vivian as we left the classroom and headed down for lunch, she didn't answer, "before the bell rang," I reminded. "Oh yeah, nothing no I was juts gonna say maybe you guys are reaching, maybe Georgina really did go on a walk." 

She quickly separated from me, but rather than going to sit at the Ravenclaw table where Gabby was waiting for her she stormed to the Hufflepuff table and her and Alistair left the Great Hall. Hmm sibling squabble, I took my seat at the Slytherin table, Kat and Georgina were still not talking. Georgina was engrossed in a conversation with Daphne Greengrass and Kat was chatting with Millicent Bulstrode about their heavy load of Divination homework. I hesitantly took a seat on the other side of the table, I filled my plate with a small portion of salad and filled my glass with pumpkin juice. "You look like you need company," Draco Malfoy said as he plopped himself next to me, "you know Potter, losing a few pounds won't make you any more attractive." I laughed, but I couldn't tell if he was joking "what's that supposed to mean?" "It's just an observation," he responded before taking a large lamb chop. 

   "What's the special occasion that you're little friends aren't swarming you," I raised my eyebrows confused, "I'm just surprised you're alone, not even one of your boyfriends are near," Draco said. I feel at a loss with this boy, he's so confusing, I had no idea what was up with him.  "My friends aren't exactly getting along right now," he leaned in interested. "Don't you have anything better to do than gossip about things that don't have anything to do with you." He shrugged and went back to eating, Theodore Nott sat across from us and almost immediately Draco slid away. "So Potter you and Weasley" Theordore said with a smirk. I dropped my fork, it took me a second to respond but Draco opened his mouth before I could, "I mean at least you realized Wesley was the best you could do, saves you a lot of embarrassment." 

  "Yeah I'm really glad I realized who I could get because I almost started slumming it with you Malfoy," I got up and looked down at Malfoy, for a second I saw guilt flash over his face. "You really are incredibly dim witted," I spat at him before leaving the Great Hall. 

My afternoon was double charms, but I didn't process anything Flitwick was saying my mind was on Draco's sudden change in manner.  I could see him out of the corner of my eye whispering to Crabbe, laughing. Probably making fun of an innocent individual, "hello," Kat said snapping her fingers in my face, "earth to Millie," "yeah?" I said. "I was telling you how I have lived through Georgina superiority complex for my whole life, but I don't think I can take it anymore." God have they still not forgiven each other yet, "Kat yeah what she said was wrong, but you two have been best friends your whole lives," Kat rolled her eyes. 

The bell finally rang marking the end of afternoon classes, I started walking down to the Great Hall, I was just going down the steps when Gabby came running from the other direction. "Millie come quick," she grabbed my hand and started pulling me, "Harry and Malfoy are about to fight." Oh god, I quickened my pace, I saw a small group surrounding them. 

Malfoy's pale face went slightly pink."Don't you dare insult my mother, Potter.""Keep your fat mouth shut, then," said Harry, turning away. I saw Malfoy pulling his arm back ready to punch, it hit me harder than I expected. I could hear everyone gasp, Harry quickly bent down, "Millie are you okay," "just peachy," I responded. George stepped out from the group and grabbed Malfoy by the collar, "you bloody git," "get your filthy hands off of me Wesley," Draco spat. "Apologize to Amelia," his eyes were dark and I was scared. "George let go," I pleaded, he let go of Malfoy's collar. "I'll be sure to apologize tonight," Draco said with a smirk, "don't worry I'll be sure to give you my left-overs Weasley." George was about to let him have it, but I got there first. I had never punched someone before and I don't think I did it right. 

"Everyone can go to dinner now, nothing to see here," George said to the small group that witnessed the show, even my own brother left. "You know for such a small girl that was quite the swing," George said as he examined my wrist. "You know I think I'm gonna skip dinner, I don't have much of an appetite." George looked at me concerned, "want me to walk you down to the dungeons," I waved him off, "I'll be fine, could you just ask Kat or Georgina to grab me some meat pie?" 

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