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Harry has at last found love at Hogwarts. His close friend, Colin Creevey, says that Harry is rarely seen out of the company of one Hermione Granger, a stunningly pretty Muggle-born girl who, like Harry, is one of the top students in the school.  

"Harry it's really not that bad," I said as I read the article from Rita-Skeeter, "No keep reading, you get mentioned," Harry said as he looked around the Great Hall. It seemed everyone was reading the article. 

I skimmed through it looking for my name, ah there it is.

Harry Potter isn't alone in this world, by his side is his sister beautiful Amelia Potter. Like her brother, Amelia is at the top of her class but it seems like she shys away from the spotlight while her brother embraces it. Is she desperate for the spotlight? Is that why she and Hogwarts champion Cedric Diggory are in a forbidden romance? I couldn't find Amelia for a quote but I did get one from on of her very close friends Pansy Parkinson, "Amelia is super bright but you know she really has to be the center of attention at all time. I think that's why she goes from boy to boy, she likes the attention they give her.

I slammed the magazine shut, "That foul girl," I said looking at Pansy who was laughing with Tracy and Millicent while reading the article. "Everyone thinks I'm dating Hermione," Harry said embarrassed, "Oh come on Harry Hermione's beautiful, at least you weren't called a tramp." 

"Amelia Potter slumming it at breakfast with the Gryffindors, to what do we owe the pleasure," George said as him and Fred took their seats. "I was just consoling Harry about the article, it's really not that bad right guys?" Fred shrugged, "I mean it wasn't awful." That didn't help Harry feel any better. 

I tried to avoid eye contact with Draco as much as I could, but that was pretty hard due to the fact we had almost every class together. Every time we made eye contact there was so much tension I didn't want to look away, I had to force myself to look down.

I had successfully avoided him in all the classes and Kat and I were walking down to the library to meet with Georgina, Daphne, Vivian, and Gabby. We were discussing the long list of assignments we had when a familiar voice called for me

Kat gave me an encouraging smile, "I'll meet you down there." Draco wasn't the type to jog to catch up with someone, he would much rather make you wait as he saunters over. 

"You know Amelia it's really rude to ignore someone," he said he approached me. "What is it Draco?" He smirked, "I think you already know Amelia." I don't know why but I had been struggling to fully accept that I did that with him,"know what," I said eager to leave the conversation. He moved a piece of hair from my face, "I think you know what darling." "I don't want to talk about it Draco," I turned to walk away but his cold hand grabbed my wrist. 

"I'm not letting you run away from me," he said pulling me closer, "It was a mistake Draco." He shook his head, "Kissing someone is a mistake, but that that isn't a mistake Amelia." He was right, it wasn't a mistake I wanted to do it, I chose to do it. 

"Just forget about it Draco, please I'm begging you." He raised his eyebrows and smirked, "I can't it was an unforgettable experience, just let me show you I'm serious about us. There's a Hogsmeade trip this weekend-" "No Draco," "Just come with me." I shook my head, "No, I can't." 

I started walking to the library but before I could go down the steps I turned to look at him, he was standing the same spot and the cocky gleam in his eyes were gone. His smirk had curled into scowl. 

My friends were waiting for me in the library, "There she is," Gabby said as I sat down, "what did Malfoy want?" Vivian asked curiously. I wanted to tell them, but not in the crowded library. "Nothing, just his usual nonsense" 

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