chapter 2 Diagon Alley

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*Amelias POV

"Can we find all this in London?" Harry asked Hagrid while reading off our list of required supplies. "If you know where to look" Hagrid replied. "Hagrid there's nothing on here about math or science, do we not learn those at Hogwarts." I ask. Hagrid looks at almost as confused as Dudley when Petunia tries to make him eat broccoli. "Rubbish, those muggle subjects will do you no good in the wizard world." I smile at Harry, I'm gleaming with excitement for the school year. Me and Harry's wish is finally coming true, it will be the best year ever.

We approach a grimy looking pub with a run down sign that says "The Leaking Cauldron" Many people smile at Hagrid in a familiar way. But then the strangest thing happens, people start recognizing Harry. I whisper to him "Do you know him or her?", Harry responds "I've never seen any of them in my life." Men and women start shaking his hand and thanking him, I wonder to myself "Why is Harry so special here?"

A stuttering voice soon catches our attention, "Ah the ppppootter ttwins, such a ppleasure tto meet you." I look at the strange man in the turban, I don't know why but something about him just doesn't sit right with me. "Ah Amelia Harry this is Professor Quirrell, he teaches Defense against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts." Harry and I extend our hands in greeting, I notice he shakes only mine. Hmmm thats strange, everyone wanted to shake Harrys hand earlier. Harry questions Hagrid on why we're so famous, more like only Harry I think to myself. Out of all the people only three wanted to shake my hand, it didn't make any sense

As I thought to myself, Hagrid lead us to a brick wall. I gasped in surprise as the brick wall opened revealing a bustling town, me and my brother looked at each other in glee. All the jealousy I was feeling earlier was gone, this was our new life. Just as fast as the happiness came it soon went away when Harry stated the obvious. "Hagrid how are we supposed to pay for all this, we don't have any money." Hagrid pointed to a large grand white building, "Well theres your money Harry, Gringotts wizard bank, no safer place besides maybe Hogwarts."

We walked into the marvelous building and to my surprise, tiny little creatures which I soon was told were goblins worked the bank. The three of us approached the goblin who sat in the head of the room. "The Potter wish to make a withdrawal." Hagrid said to the cranky looking goblin.The goblin looked down at us,"And does either have the key." I whispered to Harry in a worried manner " I haven't got a key, have you?" Harry shook his head in response.

Thankfully Hagrid rummaged through his large coat and gave it to the goblin. I zoned out from the conversation I was too busy taking in everything around me. Harry then started shaking my shoulder, awaking me from my daydream. "Come on Millie" he said. We boarded a cart that I thought was gonna make me sick, we finally stopped at vault 687. The goblin opened the vault, "bloody hell" I said a little too loud. Everywhere I looked there was gold, stacks of it. Me and Harry looked at each other bewildered. "Didn't think your mom and dad would leave you with nothing did ya." Hagrid said to us. We were still too shocked to respond.

After grabbing what we thought would be a sufficient amount for our supplies, we boarded the cart. On our way back to the ground floor, we stopped at another vault but I was far too busy making a list of everything I needed for Hogwarts to pay much attention.

With our now heavy pockets, Harry and I successfully bought all our books needed for the school year. We were never given money to spend by the Dursleys, if only they could see us now. At Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, Harry's fitting was much quicker than mine so I insisted on us splitting up. We decided to meet back at the Leaky Cauldron after we had both gotten our wands.

As my new Hogwarts robes were getting tailored a girl around my age with a women who I assumed was her mother walked into the shop. After noticing my Hogwarts logo she approached me, "Will you be starting at Hogwarts this year as well?" "Yeah, my names Amelia Potter and you are?" The girl looked at me with awe, "Blimey you're Harry Potters sister, my names Katherine MacLerie but you can call me Kat." Kat spoke with a thick Scottish accent, I felt intimidated in my worn out jeans and Dudleys old sweater that was a few sizes too big. This girl obviously came from money, but maybe with my newfound gold I can try and dress like that. After talking to her for a few minutes I learned all about Hogwarts, the four houses, quidditch, and the different branches of wizarding families. But I still had no idea why Harry Potter was such a household name

"Kat come on, you still need to buy all your books." the women said, Kat turned to me and said "I'll save you a spot on the train." I waved and said goodbye, it felt nice knowing that I'll have more than just my brother at Hogwarts

Now I just needed a wand.

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