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That night while studying with Kat and Georgina in the common room I filled them in with what happened between Draco and I. "It sounds like he really likes you Millie," Kat said as she was using spells to change her nail color, "I really don't see why you two aren't together." Georgina slammed her textbook,"Oh please, he'd just be a distraction, Malfoy only cares about himself, he'd use Millie for sex then dump her. I don't know about you Kat but I really have little patience for comforting people." Kat rolled her eyes at Georgina's negative perspective on love, she decided on pink for her nails before going over to flirt with Blaise who had recently told Daphne he didn't see a future in their relationship. 

"Look Amelia," Georgian said as she slid into the seat next to me , "I didn't mean to be rude but I really do hope you are less naive than her." She motioned to Kat who was sitting awfully close to Blaise, "he made her cry for hours and it seems like she's forgotten about it, you're smarter than that Millie." Even though Georgina could be cold-hearted she was right. I nodded my head and went back to studying, trying to forget about the blonde haired boy who plagued my brain.

Exams went by with no bumps, I had spent so much time studying that I probably could've taken them blindfolded. After my last exam I was walking through the corridor exhausted, the last few nights I had gotten minimal sleep trying to cram as much information as possible into my brain. "Theres our favorite Slytherin," George said as him and Fred put their arms around me, "haven't seen you in a hot minute." I laughed, "I saw you two idiots last night, remember I was so tired I passed out in the Gryffindor common room." "Was that you?" Fred asked jokingly, we talked for a few minutes about our summer plans. George even invited me to join their family if Mr. Wesley could get tickets to the Quidditch world cup, "I'm sure Ron would invite Harry too," "That would be loads of fun."  I turned around and noticed it was just George and I, Fred was nowhere in sight. We mist've lost him. We said our goodbyes and I decided to try and find Kat who told me just was going to be finishing her Herbology exam. The grounds were empty, everyone must be celebrating the end of term. 

"Stupefy" I heard, but before I could react I was out. "I would've expected her to look like Lily, but she's fully James like Harry," I opened my eyes. I was in a small room, two figures stood in front of me. When my vision cleared my heart sunk when I realized who it was, every wizard would have recognized him. It was Sirius Black and next to him was Remus Lupin. "I trusted you," I cried out to him ,"now you're gonna kill me just like he did with my parents." I tried to wiggle my way out of the ropes that locked me into the chair but it was no use.

"Please calm down Amelia, you're gonna hurt yourself, " Lupin said gently. "What does it matter if I'm dead, you won't get away with this," I said to Sirius Black. "HELLPPPPPP," I yelled, "please someone," I cried. "I think you are confused, just let me explain," Black started walking closer, panic struck. "Get away from me you monster." Surprisingly, he stopped, "stubborn like her father, you talk to her Remus I'll go get the other one." The other one, that's Harry.

"No please, not Harry," I pleaded, "kill me, do whatever you want to me, but please do not touch my brother." He smiled before leaving, it was just Lupin and I. "You were my parent's friend, how would they feel if they killed their children," he didn't respond, "did you betray them as well?" He shook his head, "I think Miss Potter you will soon see that what you know might not be true." 

I tried to wiggle out but the ropes were just too tight, "I kept your secret you know and if you let me go I promise I won't tell anyone," he raised his eyebrows, "I know you're a werewolf, from the shabby clothes, disappearing on the Full Moon, and Snape's lesson the day you were gone it all fits together." Lupin laughed under his breath, "you definitely got your mother's brain." How dare he talk about my mother while I'm tied to a chair while him and the man to blame for me being an orphan plot my death.

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