episode 30

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time to move to the boy's last day in the house.

"i'm not getting up. if i stay in bed, the day will pass faster and i'll-"

"you'll get to see renee, god we get it!" roman groaned as he sat up.

"randy man, you've been annoying all week." seth said as he patted his bare back before exiting the bedroom along with everyone expect becky.

"so randy, you know we-"

"go away." he groaned turning around making her roll her eyes. she left the room and headed to the others.

"so, you sure you want to come with back to the villa?" roman asked jojo as he rubbed the sunscreen into her back.

"yes," she smiled brightly. she and roman had just clicked and she was happy. jojo watched the show from back home and she knew that roman had a reputation of being indecisive, so she was already prepared, but she liked him. a lot. "i just hope the girls like me especially charlotte."

"she will, knowing her, she probably found a guy, as she should, i'm happy for her." roman said and jojo smiled.



roman is literally the exact guy i was waiting for. yes, im up to date with the show, so i'm kind of afraid he'll lose interest, but until then, i'm not gonna let him go.


randy and seth sat by the pool quietly while the rest of the boys were soaking in the new attention from the girls. buddy was invested in peyton, finn was falling for liv while roman had his tongue down jojo's throat.

"dude, do you think these phones can text?" randy groaned. seth laughed because he had already checked last night.

"no, i literally tried all night last night."

"as soon as we get back, i am asking renee to be my girlfriend."

"seriously?" seth asked with wide eyes. sure, he really like sasha, but he didn't know if their relationship was ready for labels.

"yeah, i mean, i think i'm falling in love with her. trust me, when i could have any girl in this house, but all i can think about is her, i just know that she is the only one for me." randy said which made seth think. he definitely didn't love sasha then because these other women had crossed his mind. he had been checking out becky and naomi. he didn't act on it, of course, but the thought never left his mind.

"i see." he said before he laid down on the grass. maybe things weren't as good as he thought.

"so, you think you could come back to the villa, with me?" finn asked liv and she nodded eagerly. he smirked before pecking her lips for the third time. "good."



liv is literally the prettiest girl i had ever seen. her light pink hair made her crystal blue eyes stand out. i would kiss her all day if i could.


"so, you taking me back to the villa with you?" peyton asked buddy and he just looked at her. everytime she would come closer to him, he would back away because of bayley. sure, he spent most of his time here speaking to peyton, but he never kissed her. hell, never even hugged her.

"gee, i dunno."

"oh, okay." she sighed. she thought he liked her. she didn't want to force him into anything, but she was sure that he was beginning to like her. "i've gotten use the toilet." she sighed, leaving buddy alone in the kitchen.



god, it was never my intention to hurt her. i just- it's- ugh! i hate this. who knows if bayley has even moved on..i just can't get her out of my head. i think, i really think we could be something.


"dude! it's our last day!" randy jumped up, slapping seth in the chest. it had just kicked in that it was less than 12 hours that he was gonna see renee. "one more sleep!"

"you sound like a dumb kid on christmas even."

"hey! my daughter happens to be one of those kids!" randy scoffs with a pout. seth's eyes widened as he looked around, looking for something to use to change the subject.

"uh, man, sorry?"

"well, fine!"

"can i still meet her?"

"only if you get me chocolate." randy said and seth nodded. "then, she's all yours!"

"you just sold you kid for a chocolate bar."

"hey! it's a toblerone!" randy said making both of them laugh. he was gonna miss this, sure, he and seth had vowed to stay friends after the show was over, but it would be different. there would be everyday life problems that they would have to face.

"look, it's already 7."

"i'm gonna shower for an hour so that the end of the day comes faster!" he said making seth laughed. randy and renee were his favorite couple. dean and mella were a close second though. he, randy and dean all vowed to be friends after the show ended. he knew that they were leaving with their girls, he hoped he was too.

"i got a text!" buddy yelled. "with today being your last day at casa amore, we need you to pick who you want to end the show with. your current couple or someone new." he explained and the whole house went silent.

"well, we can go ahead and pick for randy." roman said.

"don't! there's a new picture of renee, if he misses this opportunity because of you, i'll never hear the end of it."

everyone chose shortly after. the house felt tense. hearts were going to be broken. friendships were going to fall. did any of them make the right decision?

a/n OMG GUYS. i am so so so sorry for going ghost. my life has been horrible and my mental health literally took me for a ride. i am back now!! this book has about three chapters left, but i hope you guys enjoyed this. love you!!

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