episode 17

437 21 7

a/n any history that takes place in this episode will be canadian because i know nothing about america lmao, please enjoy!

sorry it took so long to update, i lost wifi :(

new day in the villa which means, drum roll please! a new challenge!

"i got a text!" buddy yelled with a huge smile. "today we have an easier, laid back game for you couples to play. it's a modern-day trivia game! each couple will compete for immunity in the re-coupling at the end of the week! #winnerstakeall #knowyourshit."

the islanders run down to the game space. each couple finds a table and sits down awaiting further instructions. "hello islanders!" corey smiles brightly as he approaches them. "today, i will be the host of this game."



i will do anything not to lose haha


"first category is pop culture." corey smiled. "the first person to ding the buzzer, gets thirty seconds to answer, if he or she shall fail to answer or get the answer wrong, shall get the question stolen from them."

"that's easy, bay." buddy whispered to her and she nodded in agreement.

"who is this man?" corey says as he points to a picture of justin bieber. xavier pushes his buzzer first.

"that is joe jonas!" he yelled confidently. 

"dude, what the hell, are you blind?" sasha said as she smacked him in the arm. "can i retract his answer for him, sir?"

"no, sorry. would anyone like to steal?" corey chuckled. brie hit her buzzer quickly.

"that is justin bieber." she smiled while corey clapped.

"correct!" he said as he marked down one point for brie and roman. "next category is history!"

"why did we just jump into education?" seth groaned as he put his head down.

"who is the prime minister of canada?" he asked as he waited for someone to hit their buzzer. dean hit his first.

"justin trudeau." he said with a smile. "that's funny, two justins in a row."

"that is correct, dean!" corey smiled and gave his team a point. "next category is english!"

"goddammit!" seth cursed. "what about music!"

"we'll get to that!" corey rolled his eyes. "what type word is 'don't'?" he asked before roman quickly hit his buzzer.

"it is a contraction!" he answered and corey nodded before giving them a point.

"next category is history yet again." he smiled. "what was canada known as in the 1850s?" he asked before buddy hit the buzzer.

"the promise land!" he yelled proudly. "thank god for the news this morning or i would have been doomed." he smiled looking to bayley.

"that is correct." corey said kind of surprised. "next category is music!"

"finally!" seth yelled.

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