episode 29

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a/n i am SO sorry this update literally  took forever, but i was in a vv dark space BUT i am getting better and i have the inspiration to write .. i hope to update 2-3 times today. there aren't very many chapters left. but i am going to do bonus reunion chapters and i am also working on another book. ♡

the girl's villa had been filled with a new feeling. everyone was busy, caught up getting to know each other.

"so, like this?" charlotte asked. sheamus was teaching her how to make sushi. they had all been in the house a week and the boys were coming back tomorrow. she rolled it backwards for the third time.

"no," he chuckled before stepping behind her. he wrapped bus arms around her, placing his hands on hers. "wrap it this way and tight." he said making her blush.

"hey sheamus?"


sheamus has been here for all of a week and i already like him. i wanna couple up to him. sorry roman


"how would you like to stay here, with me?"

"what, really?" he asked with a bright smile as they finished wrapping the roll. she nodded before turning around to look at him. a smile appeared on her face too before she hugged him. he hugged back and pulled away turning to do something else.

"god, do i have to spell it out for you?" she groaned with a small grin.


"sheamus, i have dropped so many hints." she said making him step back in front of her. a clueless look found its way onto his face. "i want you to kiss me."

"oh." he chuckled shyly as his cheeks turned pink. he smiled down at her before leaning in and pressing their lips together. his hands met her cheeks. she smiled into the kiss before pulling away.

"i like you." she says as he wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her closer.

"i like you too." he smiled making her blush.

wait ... they're adorable!

"oh you're going down!" alexa yells from atop braun's shoulders. she was playing a pool game with sasha and mustafa.

"well, braun is ten times bigger than ali!" sasha groans as alexa pushes her into the pool yet again. "hey, braun can we team?"

"yeah sure, for a round." he mumbled, putting alexa down. he picked sasha up and she roared in power.

"i'm on top of the world! alexa, baby, you're going down!"

"i'm scared, ali." she laughed making everyone laugh. sasha and her wrestle before sasha gets tossed into the water.

"what! how is this possible!"

"i rule!" alexa cheers making braun smile. they grew tired and lounged around the pool.

"never did i ever think i would see the day that we would be friends, lexi."


lexi has easily become one of my favs in the house wow, crazy what a week from boys can rlly do to us. but her and braun are cute ... i stan


"me either, but i like you." alexa smiled which sasha returned. 

"so, you and braun?" sasha asked and alexa giggled. "girl, he is literally smitten, watch this."


"hey, braun, alexa said she is kind of thirty, can you grab her a drink?"

"yes, of course!" he said before rushing to get her a soda. sasha watched with a giggle while alexa just rolled her eyes.

"if you don't ask him to stay with you right now-" she smiled before pulling her sunglasses down to cover her eyes, looking back up as braun walked over with a cold sprite.

"here ya go."

"thanks, b." she smiled before turning fully towards him causing him to smile. "so, i was wondering, how would you like to stay with me .. in the house?"

"i'd really like that." he blushed lightly.

"great." alexa smiled before turning back to sasha with a bright smile. the villa was calm and tame downstairs while carmella was having a hard time trying to keep dean in bed upstairs.

"mella, i am fine." he groaned trying to sit up.

"you had surgery literally two nights ago, the stitches aren't even healed.." she pleaded with him making him sigh in defeat. "please, i just want you to be .. okay."

"okay, baby, just come lay down with me." he smiled sadly and she did. she curled up next to him, patting his chest. "you're too good to me, you know?"

"shh, i love you, you dork."


yes im a dork and yes i love her too, but i wanna go outside and work out! i hate these stupid stitches


"mhm." he chuckled, kissing her lips. she gave him a light squeeze before he pulled away. renee walked out of the bathroom and sat down on her bed.

"i miss randy.."

"oh i am so telling him when he comes back." dean teases making her shrug. "woah, what's wrong?"

"i just realized randy could be over there in the other villa with some girl who he is more compatible with while i sit here stupidly waiting .."

"oh no, randy would never, you should hear the way he speaks about you, he adores you." dean explains softly. renee sighed looking down to her feet.

"i know, it's just ... i have trust issues."

"well, did you tell him about them?" dean asked and she shook her head. "when he gets back, it looks like y'all have a lot to talk about including dolph's sneaky kiss."

"yeah, i know." she sighed, leaning back down on her bed. "ugh!"

"felt that." carmella chuckled making dean scoff.

"why? why did you feel that? huh?" he says poking her playfully. she giggled into his chest making renee roll her eyes.

"i'm leaving you guys, you're making me lonely."

"don't forget to shut the door on the way out!" dean teased before connecting his lips to carmella's. "let's watch suits, love."


a/n this is literally ass i hate everything about this omg and its not even 1000 words like the others ugh. i rlly am slacking ... but i hope the other two will be better ..

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