episode 16

441 21 11

continuing from the last episode of love island.....

"we're back!" carmella yells as she and dean enter the villa. it was sun down and everyone was relaxing.

"we need to talk, now!" renee yells back as she grabs carmella and they head to the day beds along with the rest of the girls.

"so do we." buddy says to dean. they sit on the bean bag chairs before roman joins them.

"so, how was your date!" seth asks with a broad smile.

"it was great, but before we get into it. why the hell down buddy look like this?"

"i was betrayed by the sun." he frowns making everyone laugh.

"we did a self massage session first."

"ou! that sounds hot!" xavier cheers.

"yeah, it was, but, i was hella nervous."

"but, why! she already told you she likes you, boy-" randy shakes his head vigorously.

"yeah, well, i got in my own head i guess. but things got better after that. we went swimming and that was really fun."

"good! did you kiss her....again?" seth asked.

"yes, of course. i was nervous, not dumb." he said with a laugh.

"did you ask her?" xavier asked.

"nah, i chickened out." he sighed making randy hit him.

"you better do it soon!" he said making everyone hum in agreement.

"fine, fine, fine." he says.

"soooo, how did it go?" renee asked excitedly.

"it was amazing!" she blushed as they all cheered. she shared the details and they all gushed.

"did he ask you?" sasha said with a smile.

"no, but i could tell he wanted to. so, i might just ask him." she says making them all cheer.

"yes, bitch!" charlotte cheers. "screw the conventional standards."

"so what's happening with the rest of you?" xavier asked everyone. ''especially you seth!"


"don't play dumb, we all know you like her." xavier says.

"yes, yes we do." randy adds making buddy and dean nod.

"like who?" roman asks making them all look to him before ignoring him.

"okay, fine! i do, but don't tell her because i'm working on it."

"yeah, very slowly. does charlotte know?" dean asks.

"yeah, she's been trying to set us up."

"she's a real one." randy nods with a smile.

"what about you and renee?" buddy asks.

"we're great." he said with a smirk.

"what's the smirk for?" seth laughs.

"you'll see in a few hours." he says with a snicker.

"she is going to kill you!" xavier says. "like, for real. rip to you." he adds making everyone laugh.

"so, sasha, you and xavier?" charlotte asks.

"nah, i see him as more of a brother."

"so you and seth?" she asks again. a blush quickly takes over sasha's cheeks making everyone cheer. "go for it, sis!"

"i dunno. has he said anything about me?"

"does he need to? do you see the way he acts around you?" renee asks making bayley nod. "go for it!"

"okay, i'll see." she says with a smile. "now bay, what's going on with you and buddy?"

"what? nothing."

"mhm, then why did you guys last so long in the game?" charlotte asked.

"well, i don't know. maybe, he's a little cute." she shrugs.

"so you and bay?" seth asks buddy.

"maybe, i think i might like her, but i don't know. i'll just wait and see how this plays out."

"can't wait to enjoy the show." dean says.

after everyone's talk, it was finally time for bed which meant randy's plan was in full effect. let's see it.

renee gets out of the shower and wraps her self in a towel. she goes to the sink and grabs her blow dryer before turning it on. baby powder flies all over her.

"randall!" she yells so loud that it scares everyone in the villa. she runs into the room where he alone lies on a bed with a smirk. "i am so going to kill you!" she says as she charges after him. she jumps onto of him as she shakes her hair in his face making the baby powder go all over him.

"this was the best prank ever." he smirks. "you know, if you wanted to straddle me in a towel, all you had to was ask." he chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her.

"don't try to seduce me, i'm trying to kill you." she rolls her eyes.

"kill me later, kiss me now." he suggested and she obliged. he flipped them over and pressed his lips to hers.

"are they crazy?" xavier asked the rest of the house as they watched the two.

"definitely." charlotte answered. "but, at least renee found her match." she giggled.

after all the commotion, it was finally time to go to sleep. let's take a look at the different couples.

seth and charlotte:
sleeping back to back

renee and randy:

carmella and dean:

xavier and sasha:
sleeping side by side

bayley and buddy:

the only couple that was awake was brie and roman. he sighed as he tied his hair back into a bun. "they all hate me, i was a total asshole."

"no, baby, you told the truth." she said.

"yeah, but in the wrong way. i used to have fun in the villa, but not anymore. everytime i speak they look at me like i don't belong and i hate that." roman sighs.

"you've got me."

"but they hate you too! it's literally the worst time, i hate that i can't fix this."

"they don't hate me!" she says with an eye roll. "look, you're being ridiculous, go to bed." she said as she turned over and closed her eyes.



brie has been so mean since her sister left.
i don't understand this place anymore
should i just leave?


looks like roman is having second thoughts about the villa. will he leave?

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