episode 25

377 19 11

"i got a text." randy said softly. the house vibe was completely off now that dean had been rushed off to the hospital with appendicitis. "there will be a recoupling tonight, with the exclusion of carmella."



this is so fucked up. dean's gone, who cares! it happened last night get over it. i wanted carmella and now i'll have to wait-


carmella laid in a curled ball in her bed. she knew his condition wasn't serious, but she hated that she couldn't be there for him.

renee said down on the edge of the bed beside her, rubbing her head. "everything's going to be okay."

"i know." she mumbled. "i just feel so shitty."

"i know." renee sighed before a knock was heard on the door. she turned around to see none other than corey graves.

he nodded to her and she quickly exited the room. "hey, carmella."

"hi." she sighed.

"so, i got into contact with the hospital and explained the tv show's situation and they said that you can go see him tonight instead of being here for the recoupling."

"thank you!" she said with bright eyes. "oh my god, thank you." she smiled, hugging him tightly.

"anytime." he laughed, exiting the room quickly.

the rest of the day went on smoothly for mostly everyone, expect roman. he couldn't decide who he would couple up with especially since it couldn't be brie.

"dude, stop pacing, you're hurting my head." xavier said making him groan.

"what am i going to do?"

"you're talking to the guy who hasn't been romantically involved with anyone since the beginning of this show, how the hell would i know?"

"how about we just swap?"

"huh?" xavier asked holding in a laugh.

"like i take char and you take brie. it's the safest bet. unless you want alexa-"

"no, no, i'll definitely pick brie." he said with a look of disgust.



why would anyone willingly pick her...i mean unless you have a death wish of course


"guys, come on, gather around it's time." sasha called as they rushed down to the fire pit. the girls lined up in front of them, while corey stood in the middle. he stayed instead of returning home like be was supposed to.

"hello everyone!" he called and they all waved. "as you all know, tonight is going to be a recoupling, but there's a little twist. the couple of people who are the last to be chosen, will be sent home."





"up first, we shall begin with our new comer, cass." corey smiled before stepping to the side.

"uh, i want to couple up with this person because i am terrified if everyone else." he said scratching the back of his head. "the person i choose is alexa."

"wise choice for a blind man." seth whispered to roman making him laugh. alexa walks up to cass, hugging him before the two took a seat.

"up next we have randy!" corey said causing everyone to cheer, since that meant him nor renee were going home.

"i want to couple up with this person because she makes me really, really happy. i know that this is only the beginning, but i like where we are headed." he winked at her. "the person i want to couple up with is renee."

she smiled walking up to him, pecking his lips before they both took a seat next to cass and alexa.

"next up we have finn."

"i want to couple up with this person because i think that we would be great together. even though she keeps denying it, she's never really given me a chance, so here i am to take it." finn explained as bayley looked over at buddy nervously. he gritted his teeth dreading the words that were going to come out of the irish man's mouth. "i choose bayley."

eyes traveled between finn and buddy in silence. bayley slowing walked up to him, brushing past him sitting down on the bench uncomfortably.

"uh," corey said awkwardly. "next up we have seth."

"well, i want to make this short and sweet." he chuckled. "i want to couple up with this person because after weeks of fighting with myself to admit my feelings, i finally did and she feels the same." he smiles over at sasha. "the person i can't wait to be coupled up with is sasha."

everyone cheered as she walked up to him with a pearly smile. she pecked his lips, happily, sitting down beside him.

"next up we have, roman."

"uh, i really don't have a speech prepared because my head is all over the place." he said nervously. "but the person i would like to couple up with tonight, is charlotte."

renee's face retorted making randy bite back a laugh.



is it just me or is roman going through all the available women like underwear?


charlotte walked up to hin awkwardly and gave him a light hug before sitting down beside him.

"it seems that we only have one girl and two boys." corey points out the obvious. "well, as you all know because i said, we are sending TWO people home tonight."

"for fucks sake." buddy cursed sadly.

"in this hat has two names, which ever one i pull out gets to stay, while the other has to go home along with brie." he explains making everyone look around. this had never been done on any other love island. corey shook the hat and the crowd fell silent. bayley had her fingers crossed that buddy's name was the one to come out of the hat.

"whatever happens man, i am so glad i met you." buddy smiles over at xavier pulling him into a hug.

"and the person who gets to stay is.." corey starts, but trails off as he dips his hand into the hat.

a/n my first REAL cliffhanger aahhaha. sorry this came so late, wattpad kept logging me out. but i hope you a liked it

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