episode 20

427 23 17

part 2 of last episode.

i am pleased to say that it is the girl's turn.

first up is bayley.

she grabs the box and stops in front of seth. "this is a thank you for choosing to couple up with me in the beginning so i know who not to fall for in this house." she jokes making him gasp. she continued walking and hers wandered between finn and buddy.



i don't really know who to kiss..
i mean, i do...but do i?


she walks and stops right in front of buddy. eyes follow her and she steps closer to him. she pulls him in for a swift kiss making everyone cheer. his cheeks turn bright red as they pull away. she grabs the pie and walks straight to finn. "this is for pieing me." she laughs evily before smashing the cake into his face.

next we have alexa. she grabbed the box and walked up to buddy. "this is a sorry for using you on our date." she smiled small and stood up. seth's eyes traveled to sasha as they both knew who alexa was going to kiss.

sasha smiles sadly at him before looking down to the floor.



i really don't want to hate alexa because everyone has a right to explore their love interests here...it just sucks that we share the same one


alexa stopped right in front of seth as everyone anticipated. "i know you say that we will probably never happen, but i have a little bit of hope." she says before pulling him in for a kiss. finally she pulled away and he looked to the ground in shame.

she grabbed the pie and walked over to randy. "i don't know what it is, but there's something about you that i just don't like." she shrugged and threw the pie at his face.



i know she didn't just throw the pie at randy-
nah, i don't like her


renee was up next. she grabbed the box and stopped at seth. "i'm gonna marry you because you have nice abs." she smiled making everyone laugh.

randy rolls his eyes as she stops in front of him next. "fine, i'll kiss someone else." she teases turning away. he pulls her back making her laugh. she wipes more of the whip cream off of his face. "don't you just hate when hating ass girls ruin your man's perfect face cause i sure do." renee said making everyone's eyes widen. she swiftly pulled randy in for a kiss.



did i offend her or something???? whoops.


she grabs the pie and stops in front of finn. "i'm gonna pie you because i lowkey ship buddy and bay right now and like...you're gonna get in the way of it. no hard feelings?" she asked with a cheeky smile. he nodded chuckling before she pied him.

brie was up next. she grabbed the box and stopped in front of roman. "i wanna marry you because no other guy in this house speaks to me." she said causing sasha to bite back a laugh. she then stood up and pulled him in for a kiss. she pulled with a faint smile and grabbed the pie. she stopped in front of seth and smashed it into his face. "that, is for not choosing my sister."

everyone looked at her weirdly as she walked away. sasha was up next. she grabbed the box and kneeled in front of dean. "i'm going to marry you because you make my girl mella happy." she smiled as the girls cheered. she stood up and walked over to seth. "i guess, i'll kiss you." she shrugged shyly as she pulled him in for a kiss. she grabbed the pie and stopped in front of randy. "i don't know why i'm doing this, it just looks fun." she snickered before winking at renee who nodded in satisfaction. she smashed the pie in his face and backed up.

"you two totally planned that!" randy yelled as he wiped cream off his face.

"shut up."

charlotte was up next. she grabbed the ring and kneeled in front of xavier. "this is to show you that the next girl who comes in here is going to be all for you." she smiled as she stood up and kissed his cheek. she walked over and stopped in front of roman.

"i just wanna see what it's like." she shrugged and pulled him in for a kiss. he quickly kissed her back making everyone, but brie cheer.



what the hell-


"damn." he mumbled under his breath as she walked away. sasha nudged charlotte with a sly smirk before carmella walked forward.

she grabbed a ring and kneeled in front of finn. "since you never got proposed too, i am going to do it. you have been here for such a short time, but i think you'll be a great addition to the house."

"i choose to pie someone next." she announced as she grabbed a pie. she stopped in front. "this is for not making your move on sasha yet, what are you waiting for?" she asked before smashing the pie into his face.

she turned away and headed over to dean. "now to kiss my beautiful boyfriend." she blushed as she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him for their second kiss of the challenge. he held her tightly to his chest as the boys cheered.

"boyfriend!?" renee yelled making sasha repeat after her. carmella pulled away before laughing into dean's chest.

"we need to talk, now!" sasha said before randy stopped her.

"no! we want carmella, you guys take dean." he said as he pulled her over to the boys.

"fine!" bayley yelled and pulled dean over to their side.

stay tuned for the juicy convos on tomorrows episode of love island!!!

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