episode 23

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a new day in the villa. which means it's date day! someone is going to receive a text shortly after they wake up.

"i don't think you should do this." dean pinched randy as he walked the bucket of water closer to his bed that had a sleeping renee in it.


"when she kills you for this, i am just going to say i told you so." he shrugs before sitting down on his bed. carmella laid her in his lap as she watched randy's plan.

he dipped his fingers in the water and sprinkled them in her face making her stir up before he dumped the entire bucket on her. he turned to run away, but dean tripped him making his fall flat.

renee jolted up in shock. "randall, you asshole!" she screamed before jumping onto of him. she pinned her arm down. "i swear to god, you are fixing my hair!"

"no, i'm not." he laughs prominently. renee tilted her head with an eye roll before twisting his nipple. "ow!"

"you'll fix my hair." she said as she twisted harder. "say it!"

"i'll fix your hair." he mumbled. she smiled in satisfaction before standing up. she grabbed his arm and dragged him along the floor. "carpet burn!" he moaned making everyone else laugh.

"so, who do you think is getting picked for the date?" bayley asks everyone.

"well, i personally hope it's alexa. she could use a day out." seth said making alexa scoff.

"please, you just want me gone so you can smooch sasha. loser." she spat.

"someone's bitter." carmella mumbled making dean laugh. they kept a conversation among themselves before carmella's phone beeped. "there's no way."

"what does it say?" buddy asked. he sat down on the end of dean's bed.

"you have been selected to go on a date, yatta yatta." she rolled hers before rolling over into dean's torso. "why can't they leave me alone?" she groaned.

"c'mon, carmella, let's dress you up." sasha joked, but carmella only grew sadder in response. "we'll give you guys a minute." sasha says as everyone nods.

"we will? i was comfortable." seth groans, but sasha slaps him in the back of the head making him leave with the rest of the group.

"mella, it's okay, this is just like when you went on a date with randy." he said trying to cheer her up. she sighs and turns to look up at him.

"it's not the same." she mumbled.

"why not?" he asked while he pushed her hair behind her ear.

"it just isn't."

"don't be like that. talk to me." he pleads.

"you're my boyfriend now." she blurted out. "i came to this island for a lover and i found him. can we just go home now? i don't want to date anyone else."

"i would hope you didn't." he joked, but she only frowned. for the first time since he met her, he didn't know how to cheer her up and it made him a little uneasy. "i-"

"i think i could love you, dean." she said quietly. "i know that it may be way to soon, but i could see myself being in love with you and i don't want to have to get to know some random man just because he wants me to. it's not fair."

"i know." he said sadly. "i know that this sucks, but as soon as this is over, you'll come back to me and i promise you won't have to do it again."

"fine." she sighed. "but, i will not be changing, i am going to wear my pajamas."

"only you, mella, only you." he laughed before pulling her in for a kiss. she wrapped her arms around him tightly.

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