episode 31

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"how do i smell?" randy asked seth who had smelled him like five times on the ride over to the villa.

"like vanilla! just like you did twenty minutes ago!" he said and randy sulked. "i didn't mean to yell, i am sorry."

"forgiven." he smiled making seth laugh. they bad realized that the rest of the bus was dead. everyone looked scared. maybe because they hadn't bothered to properly become friends. cass looked the worse, he knew he was going home. "we're here!" he yelled, but corey was there to greet them outside of the bus.

"good morning fellas! today we get to see who you get to go home with ... or if you're just going home." corey chuckled making cass roll his eyes. "we are going to send one couple in at a time, stephanie has already made the list. luckily for all of you, randy is first."

"thank god." seth mumbled and randy shot him a dirty look. "..you get to see renee, woo!"

"yeah!" he smiled, turning back to corey. corey smiled before opening the door.

"keep straight and you should be met with renee. hopefully she's alone." he said pushing randy in.

"what?" he said, but corey locked the door behind him. randy shook off the comment, he trusted renee, she would never hurt him. a smile appeared on his face as he was greeted with a renee who was most definitely alone. "baby!" he shouted as they were finally faced to face. he held his arms open and she fell into them.

"god, i just had the worst time without you." she mumbled into his chest as her eyes grew teary. she never told anyone in the villa, but she was ready to tell randy. dolph forcing himself on her reminded her of her ex. he used to do the same, no meant nothing to him.

"hey, hey, don't cry." he said lowering himself to her height. she shook her head and looked into his eyes. this is not what he hoped to come back to see.

"i'm just so glad that you're here." she whispered as she hugged him tightly. she sniffled and he took a deep breath. he would make sure that who ever did this would pay. she pulled away. "you picked me."

"i'll always pick you." he said, tucking her hair behind her ear. he looked into her watery red eyes and couldn't hold it back. "will you be my girlfriend?"

"yes, of course." she said smiling sweetly through the tears. he smiled smalley. he clasped her hand and headed back into the empty villa. she rested her head on his arm as they sat and waited for the next couple.

"next we have roman." corey said. he and jojo stepped forward. he took a deep breath before heading into the villa. he walked up to see charlotte holding the hand of a very tall red headed man.

"thank god." he mumbled under his breath and walked faster with a smile. "sooo."

"who's this pretty lady?" charlotte smiled. jojo smiled back, she knew charlotte was a good woman, but this furthered it and made her admire her.

"hi, i'm jojo." she smiled and charlotte reached down to hug her. "sheamus, i see you made your mark."

"ah, you know it."

"you two know each other?" roman asked with a raised eyebrow.

"yeah, we all met before we went to the villas." jojo explained as both couples enter the empty villa where randy and renee are sitting down.

"next up is finn." he walked in with liv on his arm to bayley who had no one beside her. her eyes filled with water.

"so you took me away from someone i was truly happy with to just, what? send me home."

"this was never my intention-"

"i hope buddy comes in here alone, that way, if i'm going home, at least it's with him." she scoffed as she stomped to the rest of the islanders. the girls watched finn in disgust, he really just ruined buddy and bayley for nothing.

"so, next up is cass." corey said with an amused smile. he entered the house to see alexa talking to a very, very tall man.

"hello?" he said and she turned around. she bit her lip to keep from laughing. "so, i'm going home. great."

"if it makes you feel any better, there's only two more days left here."

"yeah, i guess." he said. alexa linked arms with braun, heading back to the group while cass dragged his feet to meet them.

"oh! we're almost through." corey smiled. "next we have buddy. as you can imagine, you had no one to pair up with in the first place, but a little birdy told me that bayely is free."

"i c-can still be with her?" he asked with a cheerful smile.



bayley was the reason i came here alone today, i had a little hope in the back of my mind that she still liked me.


buddy sped inside, heading straight to the other islanders grabbing bayley out of her chair. "i missed you."


"we can be together." he smiled brightly. "that is, if you want to-"

"shut up, of course i want to!" she smiled as she kissed him. the islanders cheered as they sat back down in the chair.

"seth, you're our last islander from casa amore. are you ready?"

"y-yeah." he said happily as he headed into the house. sasha stood there with a huge smile on her face. he missed her. she held her arms open and he filled the void. "god, i missed you."

seth had figured that even though he wasn't in love with sasha just yet, it didn't that love couldn't develop over time.

"shut up and kiss me." she said making him chuckle. he connected their lips in a soft kiss. she laughed as she pulled away. "now c'mon." she said heading back to the other islanders.

"didn't i tell you he'd only ever pick you?" alexa giggled as sasha sat down next to her.

"shh." she laughed, leaning her head on alexa's shoulder. the boys watched with wide eyes, never did they expect that they would see these two get along.

"what are we waiting for?" braun asked and everyone shot him a look in disbelief.

"the number one couple!" sasha said as carmella and dean walked down the stairs. dean had started to walk again, but carmella was still sceptical of him.

they stood in the middle of the room as did the other couples before them. "wow, dean, i can't believe you chose me." carmella said with an amused smile. they pretended that they were just like every other couple who hadn't seen each other in two weeks.

"i mean, what can i say? you're hot." he nodded with a goofy smile making her chuckle.

"oh dean!" she said leaping into his arms as they both fell into a fit of laughter. "i love you."

"i love you more." he smiled before connecting their lips. they walked over to the other islanders and everyone jumped up as they each hugged each other.

"tomorrow is our last day!" sasha sighed as everyone boo'd.

"i'm gonna miss you all!"

a/n two more chapters aksk

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