episode 26

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continuing from last week's episode ..

"the person who is going home is.." corey trailed off and everyone looked around frantically. he pulled the name out of the hat with a sigh. "xavier."

the islanders gasped including buddy. he always thought that he was one of the outsiders of the group while xavier was definitely in. he didn't want to go home, he would even take his place.

"it's okay guys." xavier laughed sadly as everyone pulled him in for a hug. "i'll be fine, i promise."

"i'm going to miss you, so much." sasha sighed as she pulled him into a tight hug. after saying their son stories, they all headed inside to help xavier pack while buddy followed corey.

"hey! corey! can we talk?"

"yeah, of course."

"do you think you could send me home instead?" he suggests.

"dude, don't you want to be here with bayley?"

"i do! god, do i ever, but xavier never even got a chance." he sighs.

"yes he did, he just didn't do anything about it. there's love for him somewhere, just not here." corey said as he sat down in his car. "goodnight bud."

buddy sighed and headed back inside while carmella was on her way out with an overnight bag.

she got into the taxi that was waiting. it drove her down to the hospital that dean was spending the night at. she quickly entered and spoke to the front desk. they directed her towards dean.

she sighed happily knowing he was okay and she was going to be able to see him.

dean was sleeping with a rough expression on his face. she held his hand tightly, sitting beside him for a couple hours until he woke up.

"mella?" he asked groggily making her shoot up. she nodded eagerly. a small smile appeared on his pained face.

"are you feeling better?"

"not really, it feels like i've been hit by a bus, but i'll survive." he sighed trying to sit up making her sit up.

"no!" she yelled in fright. "dee, you need to rest."

"i want you to lay down beside me." he pouted making her laugh. she walked to the other side of the best and slipped in beside him.

"are you sure you're comfortable with me in the bed? i'm okay with sleeping on the chair." she said making him shake his head, looking down at her. his blue eyes met her green ones and he saw that she had been crying. his heart broke and that's when he knew.

"i know it may be a little too early to say this, seeing as we have only been together for about 2 weeks, but i've never felt this way about anyone before. you genuinely make me happy, you make my days brighter. carmella, i love you." he said caressing her cheek.

"oh, dean."  she sighed happily as her eyes grew teary. "i love you too." she smiled brightly before reaching up to connect their lips. she tried her best to hug him without squeezing him too hard.

"when this is all over, what are we gonna do?" dean asked.

"what do you mean?"

"you live in staten island, i live in ohio." he pointed out as she nodded in understanding. "i've never done long distance before." he said shyly.

"and you won't have to." she giggled. "i'll move to you or you can come to me, we'll make it work, okay?"


"now, you need some sleep after that surgery..do you want any water?" she asked making him smile. he had always wanted someone to be there to take care of him when he needed it.

"no, but i could use another kiss." he said innocently. she laughed, pecking his lips. she lightly cuddled him.

"goodnight, dee."

"goodnight, baby."

what a cute, but sad moment...let's see what's going on in the villa..

"let's party!" alexa cried.

"no one's in the mood. xavier and brie are gone, dean's in the hospital and carmella left to go to him, distraught." randy pointed out flatly as he cuddled into renee on the daybed under the stars.

"exactly, so please stop with the yelling." sasha begged as she drank her green tea. cass and alexa rolled their eyes before heading into the villa.

everyone was deflated, especially bayley seeing as she was paired with someone she didn't want to be with, along with her friends gone.

randy turned to face renee. "you okay, randy?" she asked once she realized how sad he really looked.

"yeah," he said quickly. "well, i think?"

"talk to me."

"i just feel like crying, i don't know why. today was a gloomy day, it has me in a weird mood." he explained. renee sighed, she caressed his cheek, planting a kiss on his lips, pulling herself closer to him.

"it's okay if you do cry, i can be your shoulder." she explained and he nodded. he gave her a sad smile, hugging her tightly. she sighed as did he and the slowly drifted off to sleep.

the house felt uneasy and empty. xavier was someone they all loved and without him they felt the balance was going to be off, especially when the house just got two evil contestants.

the dawn began to break as the sun came up in the morning. no one had the desire to yell or jump around like usual it, was all a little unsettling.

"i got a text." seth said. everyone turned to look at him. "it's an update on dean!" he cheered making everyone smile a little. "he's going to be fine! he and carmella are going to be coming back in two days."

"awesome!" buddy smiled brightly.



dean was the nicest person to me since i arrived. i'm so happy he's going to be okay and i'll be the first one to welcome him when he comes back.


"looks like the house is gonna feel quite empty for the next two days."

or so they think..

a/n i was thinking that the time about the time span i've written them isn't enough. so, i've decided that they have been in the villa for 4 months. carmella and dean made their relationship official two weeks ago. the other dates aren't as significant, but i thought i should clarify that. i hope y'all enjoyed this weeks episode ♡

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