episode 11

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a/n updating twice because i feel like it hehe

it was five am in the villa when carmella was shaken away. she mumbled and buried herself deeper under the covers.

"mella, c'mon." dean whispered making her open her eyes. she hummed as she looked up at him with her hazel green eyes. "there's those beautiful eyes. now, let's go before we miss it."

miss what...is there a bomb?

carmella stretches before dean takes her hand and drags her up to the roof of the villa. "are we allowed up here?" she yawned.

"i won't tell if you don't."

"yeah, but the camera will." she laughed as the finally reach the roof. there was a blanket laid down with two pillows and another blanket on top of it.

"watch the sunrise with me?"

"of course." she smiled brightly as they both laid down. he wrapped his arm around her before she tucked her head into his chest. they watched as the sun illuminated the sky before drifting back off to sleep.

well, i guess they're safe. let's skip a few hours into the morning.

renee woke up and quickly put on a bikini and shorts before heading out to  the pool. she laid down her towel and pulled down her shorts to tan. sasha soon joined her as did bayley and charlotte.

"anyone know where mella and dean are?" sasha mumbled.

"they've been gone since morning." renee replied. sasha hummed and went back into a state of relaxation. randy saw this as a perfect opportunity to mess with renee.

"hey nae-nae, need some hydration?" he asked. she nodded in response. "great, i'll help with that." he said before picking her up and throwing her into the pool.

"you asshole!" she shrieked.



karma is a bitch...watch this


"randy! i can't s-swim!" she yelled as she shook her arms back and forth. "help m-" she said before she herself fall under the water.

panic entered his mind before he jumped in to save her. he rushed back to the surface with his hands covering his private area before renee swam back up the surface. "you lied!"

"and you're naked!" she chuckled as she waved his red swimming trunks in the air.

"aha!" sasha laughed as randy turned bright red.

renee got up to sit on the edge of the pool as randy didn't even move an inch. "you're almost as red as the trunks." she smirked.

"give them back!" he pouted making her giggle.

"serves you right for ruining my tan." she laughed as she exited the pool. she walked to the door of the villa and dropped his trunks on the floor. "come get 'em, randall."

he sighed before awkwardly exiting the pool and running past an amused renee. she watched as he squatted to pick up his shorts.

"nice ass!"

"fuck you!" he yelled before running into the villa.

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