episode 19

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a/n yall i am SO sorry this update took so long. thanks for reading ♡

continuing from the last episode..

"hey, can we talk?" seth said to alexa. she nodded as he sat down across from her. "why did you choose me?"

"because, i've been keeping up with the show. i really like you."

"but, that means that you know i have a thing for sasha." he pointed out. she nodded in response. "so, why did you still pick me?"

"because you don't know me. i promise, you'll like me better than her."

"i know enough to know that could never happen." he said as he stood up.

"what?" she paused. "what do you mean?"

"sasha would never compare herself to another woman." he rolled his eyes. "answer me this, if you liked me this whole time, why did you go on a date with buddy and not me?"

"it's all about the game."

"sounds very manipulative if you ask me." he rolled his eyes one last time before leaving her out alone.



this isn't over...i promise


"hey, sasha, can we talk?" roman asks her as he sits down beside her.

"look if you came to ruin my day even more, please go."

"no, i came to apologize." he said making her look to him in disbelief. "i was way out of line for the way i handled the situation. i am so sorry and i hope that one day you can forgive me and maybe we could become friends."

"yeah, okay." she smiled at him as she turned back to look out the window. he frowned while he watched her.

"do you wanna talk about it?"

"not really." she shrugged. "maybe tomorrow."

"okay." he nodded and got up, leaving her alone.

soon it was time for bed in the villa. everyone got ready to sleep, heading to bed, expect seth who slept on the couch.

"psst." carmella mumbled as she poked dean in the side. he grumbled before going back to sleep. "hey." she whispered while pinching his arm.

"hmm." he mumbled. he opened his eyes to see a very awake carmella.

"finally." she laughed before cuddling up closer him. he smiled as he looked down at her. "you said we needed to talk, we never did."

"oh, yeah." he said nervously.



there is NO way i am asking her out in the dark, in the middle of the night..


"it can wait until morning." he said as he patted her hair out of her face. she shook her head.

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