episode 3

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it's a new day here in the villa! let's see how each couple is doing.

sasha and roman hadn't left bed while all the other couples were off talking elsewhere. sasha laid her head down on roman's chest as he looked down at her. "how did you sleep?" he asked her as his fingers carded through her hair.

"good. it was pretty cold." 

"next time tell me, i can warm you up a bit." he said with a sly smirk. sasha blushes and they shared another kiss.

looks like they have a solid kiss down....let's move on. 

buddy and charlotte sat on opposite day beds and had a conversation. "yeah, i had a brother who passed, hence this tattoo. family is a very important thing to me, without them i would be nowhere."



talking to charlotte was way more interesting than i thought it was going to be, i guess she isn't just a dumb blonde like i thought, eh, either way, she saved my ass


"that's exactly how i feel. family is my top priority, if they're not happy, neither am i." buddy responded and charlotte nodded. 

surprised buddy isn't actor with all the faces he has pulled this entire conversation....let's move onto my favorite couple, dean and carmella...oops i'm not allowed to say that-

carmella laid on the grass as she watched dean work out. "want me to teach you my boxing reps?" he asked as he stood up from his push up.

"are you sure you can handle all this?" she jokes making him laugh. "can you tie this for me?" she asked. she had untied the top of her bikini to make sure she no tan lines. she wore a bright yellow top and jean shorts.

"yeah, sure." he said as she stood up in front of him. he was taller than every guy in the house and carmella loved it. tall men were exactly her type. butterflies erupted in her stomach as his fingers softly grazed her back. 



is it too early to marry him?
i swear, he is sweetest man ever, but he also may be the hottest guy i have ever seen. i got lucky!


"here, put these gloves on." he said as he passed her a pair of boxing gloves. she strapped them on while he held the back of the punching bag. "i want you to punch as hard as you can and fast, okay?"

"got it." she said with a nod. she threw a hard, but slow punch. dean shook his head. he let to of the bag and went behind her.

"to get a faster hit, you got to spread your feet." he said as she did. he placed his hands on her waist. "turn a little like this and lastly, position your arms." he said. dean wrapped his arms around her, helping her put her arms in the right place. "now try."

carmella swiftly hit the bag. she turned around and faced him with a huge grin.

"you tricked me!"

"i'm from staten island, of course i know how to throw a punch." she giggled making him roll his eyes. "c'mon, you know you liked helping me, i can pretend again." she teased making him pout.

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