episode 18

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today is going to be a hectic day here in the villa. i wonder how people are preparing for the new comers.

"guys, i pray that girl chooses me because i am officially lonely." xavier sighed.

"when are we going to get texts? we have been waiting for so long." randy sighed as he laid down on the grass.

"i got a text!" charlotte smiled. "you have been invited on a date by the new islander, please make your way out of the villa."

"yes, sis! go get him!" sasha smiled brightly as charlotte left for her date.

"i wonder what he looks like." roman mumbled making dean hum in agreement.

lucky for you, i get to see!

charlotte walked up three steps and was greeted by her date for the evening. he had shoulder length hair and was approximately the same height as her.

"hey, i'm aj." he smiled as he leaned in for hug, which she granted.

"i'm charlotte." she giggled. "shall we?"

"oh! yeah!" he laughed. he pulled out her chair as she sat down in front of wine and cheese. "so, tell me about yourself."

"well..." she trailed off. she told him about her at life home, her life since she joined the villa and even childhood experiences she remembered.



talking to aj was way easier than i expected, he's definitely in the running for tonight


"this was a great first date." he smiled brightly. "you have a beautiful smile by the way."

"thanks, so do you." she laughed quietly.

"so, should we head back?" he asked to which she nodded in response. he stuck out his arm and she linked her's to his before heading back down to the villa.

back inside the villa!!

"i got a text!" bayley cheered. "the new islander has requested your company on a date. please exit the villa." she read aloud as her eyes trail off to buddy's.

"wanna talk?" he asked and she nodded as they walked away from the rest of the group. "i know we haven't really talked about what this is, but i do like you, bay. and i would love to get to know you a little better, if you'd let me."

"yeah, i'd like that."

"this doesn't mean that i don't want you to explore your options, like this date. i want you to have fun, live the fullest experience you can here. okay?" he smiled. she nodded in response.

"yeah, okay." she smiled back before kissing his cheek and exiting the villa.



i never expected to have feelings like this for bayley, i mean, we are polar opposites, but when i look at her, she makes me smile.
i want to explore these feelings, but i dont want to make her invest her feelings with me, if there is potentially someone she would be happier with

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