episode 22

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a/n i am so so so so sorry this took this long. the day i was supposed to update was a really bad and i wasn't feeling like myself for so long, but i think i'm back to me now so i am trying to update as much as possible. i will try and update three times a week because school started for me. enjoy!!!

after brie watched roman share a kiss with another woman, she couldn't stop the thoughts of her ex cheating on her from clouding her mind. she felt angry, betrayed and a little grossed.

she pinched him awake before taking off towards the bathroom. he followed her in confusion. "brie, what the hell? it's like five am."

"is it? i hadn't realized." she snapped back as she watched her face.

"what's your problem?" roman asked in confusion. he was a little pissed off that she was being difficult this early in the morning.

"didn't it ever cross your mind that after you kiss another girl you should at least talk to me?"

"it was a challenge, brie...what did you expect."

"no, roman, you don't understand. the entire day went by and you didn't say even a word to me. not even goodnight."

"you didn't speak to me either-"

"don't go there! i said goodnight to you and you completely ignored me." she yelled louder than he expected. "just admit it, any girl that batts her eyelashes your way your head turns."

"what?" he asked angrily.

"you did the same to sasha and you're doing the same to me. why come on a show for love if all you're going to be is a dog!" she spat making some of the other islanders wake up.

"so, that's it? you're done?" he asked before crossing his arms.

"done? how can i be done with something that never even started?" she asked before beginning to tear up. "when the entire villa shut up out and i tried to talk to you and be there for you, you told me how it was all my fault. you resented me the second our journey began!"

"that is so not true." he started. "you're the one that couldn't stand the fact that i had a choice between you and sasha."

"i didn't care! you chose and i thought that meant that you wanted to be with me." she said waiting for him to say something, but he never did. "see, you don't want to be here with me and i won't force you."

"you're overreacting!" he yelled waking up more people. the islanders began to crowd the entrance of the bathroom.

"fine." she said wiping more tears. "look me in the eyes and tell me you want to continue being here, together."


"no, say it." she said as more tears poured from her eyes.

"i just don't know." he sighed, dropping his arms to his sides. she took a deep breath before looking down to the floor.

"that's all the confirmation i need." she said as she walked towards the exit.

"walk out that door and it's over, for real." he added sternly making her look back at him with a frown.

"then i guess it is." she sobbed as she ran out to the firepit. everyone looked at each other before sasha ran after brie.



me and brie may not be friends, but she is going to need someone right now...all issues aside, i always support my fellow women and she needs that right now


"brie?" sasha said as she sat down beside her. brie immediately turned towards her.

"oh god, sasha." she cried harder. "i was such a bitch to you, this entire time." she says as she finally has a moment of revelation.

"brie, it's okay." sasha sighed as she rubbed brie's back.

"no, no it's not." she sighed. "oh god and the way i treated nikki." she cried harder.

"brie, you have to calm down. i swear, no one is mad at you. we have all been blind to something at a point in our life. you just need to breathe and calm down."

brie nodded and took a deep breath. "i just really wanted this to work out. i always get the short end of the stick when it comes to men. they never stay and roman was just added to the long list."

"trust me, there is someone out there. you may find him on here or you may not, but everyone has a love and some just have a harder time finding them than others, but i promise you will find them."

brie nodded before pulling sasha into a tight hug. "thank you, so much." she said before pulling away. "i am so sorry for the way i acted when i got here. i promise i will make it up to you and everyone else here."

"i know you will," she smiled and reached her hand out and brie grabbed it. "now, let's get you ready for the day." the pair walked into the quiet villa together.



i really hope i didn't completely ruin my chance with the rest of the girls....i mean i was a complete bitch-


let's skip to noon at the villa.

randy pulled roman aside from everyone else and sat down across from him on the day beds.

"so, dude, what the fuck was that this morning?"

"brie was acting out for no reason. charlotte kissed me, i didn't ask her to."

"but was she right about you not speaking to her?" randy asked with a worried facial expression.

"yeah, i ignored almost everyone yesterday because i just wasn't feeling it."

"that was your first mistake. do you know anything about her past relationships?"

"no?" he replied scratching the back of his head.

"well, those are the tears of a woman who has been hurt before and you definitely made her feel those feelings again."


"i'm sorry, bro. no, buts...you did this, you might want to like apologize, i don't know. just make sure you do something." he said as roman nodded.

"i got a text!" buddy yelled. "there will be a new addition to the house tomorrow. he will be asking one person on a date tomorrow. #shakeitup #sevenfeettall."

"oh god...." bayley said.

a/n this was so rushed, im sorry. i promise the next one will be better. see y'all later today, hopefully ♡

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