episode 6

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seth and roman separated going into private rooms for their dates. roman wished seth luck and headed into his room.

seth took a deep breath before pulling the curtain. he opened the curtain to find a busty brunette who was taking a selfie. "hi." he said trying to make his presence known.

"just one sec-" she said as she smiled for the picture. seth stood their awkwardly. she finally turned to him once she was done. "hey, i'm nikki."

"seth." he smiled as he sat down in front of her. seth never really liked first dates, but this one had a vibe that completely turned him off.

"i know." she chuckled making him stifle a laugh. "so, tell me about you."

"well, i am a landscape architect and-"

"oh my god, does that mean you're good with heavy lifting?"

"i guess?" he mumbled, thrown off guard by the question. "i also have a tiny dog-"

"me too! wanna see her, she's the cutest dog ever." she started making seth's fake smile drop. "here, look!" nikki smiled brightly showing him her phone. "it's not really my dog, but me and my sister brie live together and it's hers."

"oh, that's cool, i also-"

"yeah i know! having a twin is amazing. do you have any siblings?"


"cool. i have a sister and brother. my family is pretty small." nikki says cutting him off for the third time. he sighed before gulping the last of his wine.



i was honestly excited because she's hot and all, but she's so self centered. i haven't even fully answered her first question...
i hope roman is having  a better time than i am


roman laughed as brie told him another joke. she matched his calm energy exactly and he was so excited to get to know her.

"so, what's your situation in the house? dating? coupled up? friend-couple?" brie asked finally getting serious.

roman was the most attractive guy to her and she had no problem pursuing him.

"well, i am coupled up, but that's it. things are good, but they could be better." he frowned.

"what's the problem?"

"well, me and sasha just have different personalities. she's so adventurous and loud while i like to be lowkey and have routine."

"okay, i see, have you told her?"

"no, it's still early days, i don't want to ruin anything."

"i say, just tell her, who knows, she might be picking up on it too." brie explains and roman nods in understanding.



i've been with sasha since day one and i have never connected with her, the way i did with brie..
i think i've got a decision to make


the dates came to a close and the four guests headed back to the villa. seth looked drained while roman had a huge smile on his face.

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