episode 7

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it's morning! which means a new day in the villa, which also means that it's a new challenge!

"i got a text!" dean yelled as he sat up from the bean bag chair. "today you will all play pie face!" he pauses as everyone cheers. "it will be couple versus couple, you will all compete agaisnt each other in trivia questions about the cast and whoever gets it right, gets to pie the other in the face. #bringit."

"let's get into it!" sasha yells before they all took off to the game they all ran down the hill to see the set up. there was a table with ten pies on each side. a table labelled girls and a table labelled boys.

the twins will host today's challenge since they have only been here a day...this shall be fun

"first couple up is, buddy and charlotte!" nikki cheers. charlotte high fives all the girls before sitting down with a game face. buddy sat across from her with a huge smile.

"the question is, which guy is the oldest here?" brie asks before charlotte quickly rings the bell. "yes?"

"it's roman." she said as the girls cheered. there were about three twenty-eight year old people, but roman had the earliest birthday.

"correct! buddy, prepared to be be pied!" nikki giggles as charlotte tosses the pie at buddy. it hits him straight in his forehead causing everyone to laugh.

"well done!" sasha yells with a cheer before charlotte makes it back to her side.

"next we have seth and bayley!"

"i have been waiting for this!" bayley yells in excitement. "no offense, seth, just, you annoy me."

"i could say the same." seth pouts.

"question is, which girl is from boston?" nikki asks before seth immediately hits the buzzer shocking everyone, expect sasha. she had told him where she was from the night before.

"miss banks!" he said with a smirk as the boys cheered.



wait...how did i not know that? did she tell me...?

yes, roman, she in fact did


"seth is correct!" brie cheered as the boys did too. bayley sighed, she really wanted to pie seth.

seth threw the pie, but it missed half her face, which helped some of the cream go into her ear. "screw you!" she said with a giggle.

"love you too, bay." he teased before going back to his side.

"next, we have renee and xavier!" brie read off the card. renee knew she was going to win, so she didn't need to gloat.

"question is, which boy is to be considered a playboy?" nikki said with a head shake. renee hit the buzzer as xavier hid his face in shame.

"this man in front of me."


"can i just say it's not-" he got cut off when renee threw the pie into his face. getting his entire face.

"woo!" sasha yelled. renee came back to her side and high-fived her.

"next we have dean and carmella!" nikki said as everyone cheered. carmella sat down with a smile as dean stared at her.

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