reunion show

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welcome to the reunion special that all of you have been looking forward to, including me! i am so happy to catch up with all of our favorite couples SIX months after they left the villa. we will have our couples come up separately, but first we would like to welcome all the couples to the stage!

"welcome to wwe love island's reunion show!" corey smiles as he gathers his card. there were couches. one to the left of him and one to the right. "so i would just like to say thank you to all of you for agreeing to be here tonight!" he said and everyone applauded. "so tonight we are here to catch up with you guys, the fans are dying to know who stayed together and who ... well, fell a part."

the couples laughed at corey's little joke. he chuckled himself before turning back to the audience. "okay, so today we are going to start from the bottom! we will be right back with the couple who won worst couple! roman and jojo!" he said as the camera cut to commerical break.

all the couples expect for roman and jojo left the stage. crew brought them water before they were back on air once again.

"so, roman and jojo, we notice you two are holding hands, does this mean that you two are in fact still together?"

"yes corey, even though the fans doubted us, i've fallen absolutely in love with jojo." roman said looking down at her with a bright smile. she smiled back giving his hand a tight squeeze. 

"so, what have you guys been doing for the past six months?"

"well, we have been just getting to know each other a little better, we met later than everyone else in the house, so i think it's safe to say that after these six months, i feel completely in-touch with our feelings. like i really feel like i know him." jojo explained anxiously. she seemed a little more nervous to be on screen than usual.

"that's amazing. i am so happy for you both!" corey smile brightly. it was time to bring on a new couple as jojo and roman exited the stage. finn and liv walked on next.

"hello!" liv smile as she sat on the opposite couch from finn. corey's eyes lit up, hoping for a scandal. he restacked his cards before turning to liv.

"so, i'm taking things didn't work out?"

"it worked, finn!" she cheered. "i wanted to throw people off to get views!"

"i love you." corey laughed with a smile. he grabbed her hand, making all three of them laugh.

"finn and i did something really impulsive four months ago, but to be fair it did pay off." she explained and corey looked more confused than ever.

"we're married!" finn chimed in and dramatic music hit. corey's eyes grew in shock. he was sure that this couple was going to sink. he looked between the two.

"oh my god-"

"not the reaction we'd hoped for..." finn sighed.

"it's just, you two, kind of just met-" corey explained in an exasperated tone.

"we got the same talk from out parents, we're over it. we love each other, piss-posh." liv rolled her eyes. corey took the hints, he hit a nerve.

"well, seriously if you guys are happy, then so am i! congratulations!"

"thank you!" they smiled as they left the stage, next up was braun and alexa. they sat on separate couches with frowns.

"hey guys." corey smiled, but received silence in return. he looked back and forth between the two. "uh, how have you been?" he asked before alexa ran off crying.

"i'm sorry, we uh, kind of broke up two weeks ago because of the distance. we both can't move and long distance hasn't been working."

"oh boy." corey sighed, he'd had his fair share of long distance break ups. "do you wanna go check on her?"

"yeah, thanks." braun said as he walked off into the direction alexa had. the next couple was rushed onto the stage.

"hey guys!" he smiled at sheamus and charlotte. the two were sat side by side returning the smiles.

"hey cor!" sheamus cheered.

"so, what's new?"

"we just moved in together actually. pretty exciting." charlotte smiled brightly. "oh and also, we visited ireland to see his parents. it was so fun."

"meeting the in laws i see." corey laughed. the show went a quick commercial break before a new couple was on the stage.

"so, buddy and bayley, what is new?"

"nothing, we broke up." bayley said making buddy laugh.

"i'm assuming it was mutual?" corey said with a chuckle.

"yeah, uh bayley had a sudden recognition of her sexuality, we just moved our relationship status to best friends, i'll still love her forever."

"awh buddy!" bayley said hugging him.

"well, bayley, congrats on coming out, we are all super proud of you."

"thank you!" she smiled before it was time for the last three couples. seth and sasha walked onto the stage.

"so, at the finale you two were on the rocks, did the last six months change anything?"

"uh, not really?" sasha questioned. "we uh, still leave pretty far apart from each other, but after the show we took a six week break."


"yeah so we've been taking everything really slow, sasha isn't quite my girlfriend yet, but we're working on it?"

"yeah, i guess that it. we're working on it." sasha smiled sweetly at seth. corey smiled at the two.

"i am glad you two are on the same page, finally." he complimented before they left the stage. it was time for the next couple after a quick commercial break.

"so, randy and renee, what is new?"

"i am a new mommy!" renee cheered. randy laughed. "randy's daughter absolutely loves me, as predicted, but nonetheless!"

"she is a natural with her and i am so happy because dating renee would be hard if my daughter hated her."

"that's great to hear."

"also, we bought a house together, on a farm kind of." randy said before renee smacked him on the arm.

"a house on a ranch! not a farm." she smiled making corey laugh.

"so you two are happy and going strong?" corey said asking the last question.

"happy and very strong." she winked before they both left the stage making it time for the very last couple.

"dean and carmella! our winners! how are you?"

"pregnant!" carmella cheered making dean chuckle. corey's eyes bulged out of his head.

"pregnant? i need a backstory!"

"well, after the show ended we decided to travel the world. we went to cuba, hawaii, ireland, new zealand, china, russia, italy, egypt and i think the last place was the dominican republic."


"while on the trip, we got to know each other better ..." carmella trailed off. "you know, mentally and physically."

"one thing led to another and on our last night in egypt, she was pregnant." dean finished off. corey laughed.

"well congratulations to you both, may this baby bring you tremendous joy."

"oh she definitely will." dean blushed.

"she?" corey shrieked.

"no we don't know yet, dean is just super hopeful." carmella explained with an eye roll. she laughed before they both left the stage.

"thank you to everyone who watched this episode and every episode before it! maybe we'll see you again! bye everybody!"

a/n thats a wrap guys! sorry this 1000000 years too late, ive been busy w school, but stay tuned for my next book coming soon  ♡

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