episode 12

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last episode we seen nikki go home sadly, but we also saw the heart of a fellow islander break. let's take a look at how she is.

sasha had a visible frown as she took a sip of her water. she didn't understand what just took place. xavier sat down beside her with a frown of his own.

"hey." he said as he looked over to her.

"hi." she sighed. "thanks for saving me, i uh, know you wanted to get to know nikki."

"of course i'd save you, sash. you're like the little sister i never had. roman doesn't know what he lost." he says as she tenses up.

"just look at him, he looks so happy." she says as she watches while he cuddles brie with a huge smile on his face. "i just don't understand, at all. i really thought he liked me."

"did you ask him about what happened?"

"right now i'm a little shaken up, i think i should wait until tomorrow."

"whatevers best for you, sash." xavier said as he gave her a side hug. she smiled before he got up and left her alone.

let's fast forward to morning...we need the hot tea!

sasha woke up earlier than everyone in the villa and put on a bikini to tan. she wore a bright red two piece and laid at the edge of the pool.

seth usually woke up early because of his morning workouts and went to keep her company. he sat down by her head and looked down at her with a bright smile.

"good morning, miss banks."

"you scared me!" she laughed.  she sat up and placed her head in his lap as he stole the sunglasses off her face and put them on.



i have been dropping hints about my feelings towards her, but she hasn't picked up on it...
hopefully i'm not stuck in the friendzone


"how you feeling after last night?" seth asked as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"not gonna lie, pretty shitty." she laughed. "but, i'm done sulking, he just caught me off guard, that's it."

"yeah, well, if it means anything, i think he made the wrong decision."


"yes, sash, trust me. you're a total catch, he was dumb to give you up." seth explains. sasha smiles up at him as her cheeks grow red.

"thanks, seth."

"aren't they the cutest!" carmella asked renee as she nodded. "my number one ship."

"i'm still confused as to why roman didn't pick her." dean said with a frown.

"looks like we are about to find out." randy said. they watched as roman entered the kitchen alone.

"he's alone, sash." seth said. she looked over and took a deep breath. "don't worry, you've got this."

"thanks." she smiled as she got up and sat down at the bar stool infront of the kitchen. "hey, can we talk?"

"yeah, sure." roman shrugged as he cracked another egg and threw the shell in the garbage.

"why didn't you choose me last night?" she said.



i didn't wanna dance around the question..we all know why i'm here


"i just felt like we didn't have a strong enough connection to continue." he said. he finally looked at her and shrugged.

"but-" she started, but cut herself off. she was thrown off by his answer. "why didn't you tell me?"

"i was going to."

"when did you start feeling this way?"

"uh, i think my first date with brie."

"so, you kissed me, knowing you didn't like me like that, anymore?" she asked as her eyes began to tear up.

"look, why do you even care? i see you with seth."

"seth is my friend."

"we both know there's no such thing as a 'friend' in this house. he just wants in your pants."

"did you just want in my pants?" she asked holding back a sob.


"answer me!"

"i don't know." he said slamming down the cooking spoon. "god, i've knew you for less than a week, did you expect me to want to marry you?"

"no, i just expected you to respect me." she mumbled as she walked off. she walked past carmella and renee who ran after her.

dean, randy and seth shook their heads at roman before heading off downstairs.



what did they expect?
at least i'm honest
i guarantee they have all thought about sleeping with the person their coupled up with


"sasha, are you okay?"

"just peachy." she spat as she pulled a shirt over her head. the girls watched attentively. they didn't know what to do.

"sasha, you can tell us if you're a little upset." charlotte sighed.

"of course i am fucking upset! he lied out of his teeth in every conversation that we ever had and he acts like i was supposed to just expect it?" she yelled as the girls nodded in agreement. "he's an asshole! if these are his true colours, brie can keep him."

"sasha, i'm so sorry." carmella sighed as she held her arms open. sasha nodded and fell into them. "it's totally his loss."

"want me to beat his ass?" renee asked as she filed her nails. "cause i will."

"no thanks." she laughed. "i'm okay, just a little pissed off, that's all."

"look, let's just chill the rest of the day and ignore him." bayley suggested.

"yes!" charlotte cheered. the girls headed back out to the pool and laid in the pool chairs. 

brie watched as they all laughed and conversed happily. she rolled her eyes as she took a sip of her margarita.

looks like someone's a little bitter...

that's all for this episode of love island, let us know what you think is gonna happen next.

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