episode 1

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"good morning girls!" corey called as he walked down the stairs of the villa. the girls stood in front of heart shaped mats before corey.

he smiled as he put his hands behind his back. every girl was dressed in a bikini with big smiles on their face. he just knew this season was going to be good.

"so, you guys know how this works!" he said with a smirk. "five guys will be coming down the stairs and if you want to couple with them, you will stand forward and if you don't, stand still, but they can still pick you even if you don't stand forward. understand?"

"yes." the girls answer back in unison.

"good because our first contestant today is roman!" corey yells as roman erupts from the top of the villa and walks down the stairs. he wore swim shorts and a tank top.

sasha stood forward immediately. his eyes met hers and a smile took over his face. charlotte scoffed and stood forward as well, but roman kept his eyes on sasha.

"roman, you can pair up with any of these beautiful women. carmella, bayley, charlotte, renee and lastly, sasha. as you can see both sasha and charlotte are intrested. your time to choose, bud." corey explains as roman nods.

"i'd like to couple up with sasha." he says quickly. corey nods. roman walks over to her and gives her a quick hug before he wraps an arm around her waist and leave it there. charlotte scoffs as she steps back alone.

"next we have, seth!" corey calls as a shirtless seth walks down the villa stairs and catches the eye of both charlotte and carmella. they both stand forward, but he pays no mind to either of them.

"who would you like to couple up with today?" corey asks seth. seth looks at all the girls carefully before deciding.

"i would like to couple up with, bayley." he says which shocks everyone, including bayley. carmella shrugs and steps back while charlotte rolls her eyes and takes a loud step backward.

bayley gave seth a hug as they stood side by side.

"next we have, lio!" corey says biting back a laugh as a man shorter than every girl there excitedly runs down the stairs. "i would like to acknowledge that just because someone is in a couple, doesn't mean you can't still pick them." he adds before turning back to lio.


"oh god." charlotte said as she put her head down. his voice was squeaky and he was probably two feet shorter than her.

"i would like to couple up with charlotte." lio says as corey bites his fist in amusement. lio reaches out to hug charlotte, but quickly declines and offers a high five. his smile dropped, but he took it anyways.

"our," corey starts, but ends up laughing instead. "ahem, excuse me, our next contestant is dean!" he calls out as a blue eyed man comes out from the back.

bayley, charlotte and carmella stand forward and he smiles. "dean, who would you like to couple up with?" corey asks. dean looks around before his eyes fall to the girl he wants.

"i would be honoured to couple up with carmella." he said with a sweet smile. he hugged her tightly as she smiled. he put his arm around her shoulder as they stood side by side.

"renee! you haven't stepped forward for anyone! what's going on?" corey teases

"i know, i know, i'll stand for the next guy!" she said with a sigh. she hadn't seen anyone she was attracted too and was beginning to think that she wasn't going to.

"our finally contestant is xavier!" corey called as xavier came rushing down the stairs. charlotte stood forward as did renee as promised. xavier smiled before looking to corey.

"who would you like to couple up with?"

"renee." he said simply as charlotte cursed under her breath. she was stuck with a guy she had to look down to.

"well, that's the end of the coupling. enjoy your time in the villa, i am out of here." corey smirked before taking off. charlotte ran up the the stairs leaving lio alone making seth and bayley laugh at him.

the group travel to the main floor and explore the villa.

"this shit is amazing!" seth says as he enters the bedroom. "only ten beds?"

"we have to sleep with our couple, have you never seen the show?" sasha says as she reads to find her bed.

as the group settles down, dean's phone vibrates. he quickly checks it.

"guys! i got a text!" he said as he sat up on the bean bag chair. "tonight you guys will have a welcoming party, so get dressed up to have the time of your lives. #housewarming #timeofourlives."

"well, let's get to it!" sasha squealed as she pulled renee to the girl's dressing room. bayley, carmella and charlotte follow.

the girls start to do their makeup while picking out what to wear. they took pretty long so the boys started to work out to pass time. eventually, they had to shower and get ready themselves.

carmella was the first girl that was done and exited the room. she laid back on the bean bags, starring at the sky.

"well, you look beautiful." dean said with a bright smile that caused her to blush.

"thank you." she smiles before the rest of the group comes out.

"i think i seen a game set up down by the bonfire." roman says and seth nods.

"it looked like cards, it was probably suck and blow." he said as the group went down stairs. they all sat down in a boy, girl, boy, girl pattern.

charlotte tried to sit beside roman and seth, but realized everyone was sat beside their couple. she groaned as she was forced to sit between lio and xavier.

"i know you have all played suck and blow." seth explains. "but this is a little different. basically, if you drop the card, you have to do whatever that card says. got it?" he adds and everyone nods.

bayley starts off and passes it to dean, who passes it to carmella who passes it to roman who attempts to pass it to sasha, but he dropped it.

"it says, kiss the person who you find the most attractive." he says.

everyone ouu's as charlotte mentally prays it's her.

roman quickly turned to sasha, silently asking for permission which she grants. he quickly pecked her lips. charlotte folded her arms with a pout that renee caught onto.

"i'll start." lio says. he grabs a card and passes it to sasha, who passes it to roman , who passes it to carmella, who passes it to dean, but he dropped it.

"damn, boys suck at this game." bayley adds making them all laugh.

"it says, what caused the and of you last relationship." dean said with a frown. "i guess it was miscommunication, we were both just not into it anymore."

a frown was evident on his face. carmella squeezed his hand with a soft smile, which he returned.

the card was passed around again before seth dropped it. "it says, if you weren't coupled up with your couple, who would you prefer to be with." he read off. he shook his head with an eye roll. "i know roman, you're my boy, but i gotta say sasha."

everyone, but charlotte laughs. she sat there bitter the entire night until sasha's phone vibrated.

"ou! i got a text." she cheered. "tomorrow there will be a new boy entering, later in the night there will be a re-coupling, who ever isn't chosen will be dumped from the island."

charlotte squealed as a smile took over her face. she was excited for tomorrow.

a/n this was pretty long, but this will probably be the length of all of the chapters. let me know what you think in the comments. ♡

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