episode 21

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continuing from the last episode..

the boys were eager to have a chat with carmella, let's listen to theirs first.

carmella sat down in the chair while everyone crowded around her making her laugh.

"so, when did he ask you?" seth asked eagerly.

"he didn't ask me." carmella shrugged with a smile. they all looked at each other on confusion. "i'll let you guys figure this one out."

"you asked him?" randy asked in shock.

"yes, congratulations on solving the puzzle." she laughed as they all looked like they were going to explode.

"i told him to ask fast!" buddy said with a head shake. "anyways, when did this happen?"

"last night." she replied making them all look confused again.

"we were with dean all night." roman says.

"not when he was in bed." she pointed out making them all nod in realization.

"you asked him out in bed?" xavier asked making her nod. "so, did you do it?"

"what-" she asked with bright red cheeks.

"did you seal the deal?"

"did you do the nasty?"

"did the rabbit come out to play?"

"did the spoon-"

"oh my god-" she said cutting them off. "we didn't do it yet."

"the key word is yet!" randy smiles. carmella rolled her eyes with a visible blush. "so, let's get down to business..what do the girls say about us?"

"i knew this was gonna come up. who's up first?" she asked and buddy's hand shot up. "okay, well bayley does talk about you..a lot. she says that she likes where your relationship is headed, but she wouldn't mind picking up the pace, if you catch my drift." she winked making his eyes widen. "who's next?"

"me!" randy smiled. xavier, finn and roman looked at him. "what? it's not like the girls are talking about any of you-"

"well. i think you know exactly she feels about you." carmella says wiggling her eyebrows.

"no, i don't." he teased wanting for to say it.

"renee wants to fuck you, happy?"

"very." he laughed while the others cheered.



that's all the confirmation i need to hear


"and seth, just make a move already. sasha does like you. it's not hard to see." she added before they all started to talk about something else.

let's move on to the girl's...

"by the look on your face, she asked you to be her boyfriend didn't she?" sasha said as she sat back in the bean bag chair.

"yeah." he laughed shyly. "last night."

"as she should!" charlotte cheered. "we stan mella in this house."

"yeah, we definitely do." he blushed as he looked down at his water. all the girls 'aww'd as they watched him.

"we all knew this was bound to happen, i am so happy for you." renee smiled before hugging dean tightly.

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