episode 2

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first morning in the villa, let's see if anything exciting happens!

dean scrambles some eggs and makes two cups of coffee. he plates some eggs before making his way to the girls dressing room. "mella, i made you breakfast!" he calls from outside. she quickly erupts from the room with a huge smile.

"thank you, so much." she blushes as she kisses his cheek. "i'm definitely getting you back."

"if you must." he jokes as he walks back outside. carmella goes back into the dressing room as the girls cheered.

"that's husband material, right there!" charlotte said as she tied her hair up. renee nods.

"are you blushing? awe! second day and i already know who my favorite couple is." bayley teased as they continued to get ready. they all put on bikinis and headed out.

all the girls expect renee and sasha jump into the water. sasha and renee sit on one of  the day beds together watching everyone.

"so, what do you think of everyone?" sasha asks renee as she laid her head on her shoulder.

"honestly, the girls are great! the guys, not so much. like i can see myself being great friends with them all, but i can't see myself dating any of them. i hope when new guys come, i'll find someone." she explains and sasha hums. "what about you?"

"have you seen roman?" she whispered with red cheeks.

"yes, honey."

"he is so hot, like jesus, i still can't believe he picked me over everyone else." she said with a smile.

"baby, you are beautiful!" renee says to her. they continue to share their thoughts with each other before roman sits on the bed beside there's.

"hey, i hate to break up the conversation, but can i steal you away, babygirl?" he said to sasha. renee nodded vigorously making sasha laugh. he takes her hand leading her away from all the other people.

"how was your morning?" he asked as they sat on the bench.

"it was good, just hot as hell!"

"i know, i didn't think south africa would affect me since i live in florida, but damn was i wrong."

"you live in florida?" she asked with a smile.

"yessir, what about you?"

"boston." she said. he nodded and slid closer to her.

"so, that kiss last night." he paused. sasha's eyes grew big as she looked up at him. "any thoughts?"

"it was short." she said without thought. she wanted to slap herself. he chuckled.

"look, i really am glad that we got paired up together. you're the most beautiful girl i have ever seen and i really wanna get to know you."

"i'm glad, i really wanna get to know you too." she said with a bright smile.

"may i?" he said as he placed a hand on her cheek. she nodded. he pulled her closer to him as their lips finally met in a hot kiss. it was way longer than the one in the game. their tongues danced together as the kiss grew heated.



did you guys see that? that was-
that man can kiss! god damn!


roman pulled away and sasha's cheeks turned red. he took her hand and lead her back upstairs where he kissed her cheeks and disappeared with dean. sasha squealed as she ran towards bayley and carmella.

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