episode 14

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after yesterday's drama in the villa, i think it's time for a good old fashion challenge.

"i got a text!" randy yelled from the kitchen. "in today's challenge, each couple will be competing for the first date of this season. you will be given an hour to learn facts about each other because those are what the questions entail. #maythebestwin #datetime."

"holy hell." buddy sighed.



bay and i are totally not winning this challenge.


each couple broke off to learn as much as they could about each other before their time was up. some couples knowing about each other already while others were starting completely fresh.

an hour was finally up and it was time for the islanders to head over to where the game was set up.

bayley read the instructions aloud. "each couple must pick a person to sit in the chair, which is who the questions will be based on. each question is worth one point and the chair will move with every question answered correctly. whoever reaches the end first, wins."



roman: i am pretty confident we'll win
brie: of course we will


each couple began to choose a person to sit in the chair.

roman and brie: roman

sasha and xavier: sasha

seth and charlotte: charlotte

buddy and bayley: buddy

renee and randy: renee

carmella and dean: carmella



dean: do people actually believe they can beat us?
carmella: pathetic!

i love this attitude.


"the first question is," bayley read. "where is your partner from?"

randy wrote down canada and renee's chair moved forward.

bayley wrote new zealand and the chair never moved.

"what the hell, bay! i am from australia." he sighed.

"sorry." she laughed.

brie wrote florida and roman's chair moved forward.

dean wrote staten island and carmella's chair moved forward.

seth wrote north dakota and charlotte's chair never moved.

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