episode 8

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on last episode we saw a heart get crushed. let's see the aftermath, shall we?

"buddy, can we talk?" charlotte asked with a frown. he nodded and she led him into the house.


"you used me?"

"look, it was like that in the beginning, but i got to know you." he said, but the frown remained on her face. he sighed. "i am so sorry, charlotte."

"yeah. i've heard it all before." she said as she finally looked at him in the eyes. "i'm not even mad, just, disappointed. i really thought we were going somewhere."

"we still can."

"i don't want a relationship based off of pure lies. i don't think we can ever be something after this."

"i understand. i am still so sorry, i hope we can still be friends?"

"sure." she said with a sad smile. he opened his arms for a hug and she quickly gave in before letting go even faster and headed up to the girl's change room.

she sat down and finally let herself cry.



this always happens...am i not good enough?
i really thought that maybe someone liked me...


bayley walked in and sat down beside her. "char, please don't cry." she said as she brought her into a hug. "i promise you, you'll find him and when you do you'll know. right now, crying over these guys will do you no good. you are too beautiful to let buddy bring you down."

"why can't i just be loved?" she said with a sniffle and voice crack.

"you are! everyone here and people back home. charlotte, this isn't over. you will walk out of here with a smile and a man to match it...i promise."

this was so sweet.

"also, charlotte, you know you don't need a man to be happy, right?"

"i know, i'm just, i guess lonely. i want the love we see on tv. i want it so bad."

"i know, you'll get it." bayley said as charlotte gave her a small smile. she rocked the blonde back and forth until she calmed down.

i love these two! now, let's move onto the others.

"i am so glad that i am here!" nikki said as she popped a bottle of champagne. "seth, i know our date was a total flop and we are not right for each other, but here's to the trial and error!" she giggled as she raised a glass. everyone laughed and followed pursuit.

"to trial and error!"

seems like the twins are fitting right in...right? right? not!

"can we have a chat?" brie asks sasha. sasha nods and they head down to the bonfire pit. "look." she paused with a stern tone that took sasha back a bit.

"wait, is there a problem?"

"yes. i understand that you and roman are in a couple, but i hope you know that i am still trying to pursue him regardless." she said matter of factly. "that may cause a riff for the two of you, but i don't really care. i came in here to find love, not friends and i am not afraid to step on any toes to get there. am i clear?"

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