Serene day

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    [Tan presses the play button]

    As we walked outside a warm wind blew on our faces. We headed towards the wooden bridge with a big number "2" written above it. 

    When we arrived at the second island the first thing we stumbled upon a huge ancient-looking ruin. I came closer to take a look, it had an iron door that had Kanji for "future" engraved on it, it also had a little code panel next to which there was a machine gun attached. "Future? Is it the place where traitor hides?" Nagito thought out loud. "Traitor?" I turned towards my friend. "Monokuma said that there is a traitor hiding among us." He explained. "Interesting. . ." I took a deep sigh while giving Komaeda's words a small thought. 
    "We can't enter inside, the door is locked. Let's move on." I snapped back and started to walk away. Nagito stopped for a second still staring at the iron door. "Dude, ya coming?" I tapped his shoulder. "Yeah." He blurted out absentmindedly as he walked after me.

    While we were going on the paved road Nagito was looking down. I know him from my childhood, when he looks down it means he's deep in thought. "What are you thinking about?" I asked curiously. "It's just. . . That door. . . What's behind it? If it's locked that means something very important lies behind it. But what?" He shifted his gaze onto the sky. "I don't know. But I can say or sure, we will solve this mystery together!" I lifted my fist into the air. "Haha, you're right." Nagito let out a cute giggle.

   The next thing we saw was a big pharmacy shop? As we entered we saw Mikan looking at different shelves as if in search of something. "Ah! There it is!" She happily hummed to herself. "Hi, Mikan!" Nagito startled her as she fell onto the floor with her legs wide open. "Damn it!" I closed Nagito's eyes while I looked away too. 
    "I-im s-s-so s-sorry!" She stood up and picked up the dropped package. "It's okay. What have you got here?" I looked around the pharmacy. There were many shelves that were filled with lots of different medications. "I-i wanted to give you t-this cream. It h-heals bruises. By the way, how do you feel?" Mikan looked around my nose. "Er. . . I'm fine? I guess? It pains when I touch it but other than that, I'm fine." I shrugged. "G-great to hear! Take t-this cream, apply it for two days, o-once in the morning and once at t-the night. It'll heal your b-bruise in no time!" She handed me the cream. ". . . Thanks." I gave her a little smile.

    "Speaking of bruises, how's Hajime?" Nagito spoke up. "W-well, he was in worse condition rather t-then (Male pseudonym). I used a l-lot of medical plasters. . . But still, I think this cream will help him t-too!" She took the same cream from the shelf and smiled. "Okay, I guess we better go now." I signaled Nagito towards the door. "A-alright! See you s-soon!"

   As we exit the pharmacy we continued investigating the second island. The next building that we went into was an enormous library. While I was studying the contents of old dusty shelves Nagito stopped next to one of the tables. "Would you look at this?" He handed me a brochure about the islands we were in. "A tourist place?! This hell hole?!" I exclaimed after reading the text that was printed on the paper. "Looks like it." He sighed. There was nothing important in here, I grabbed one book to read later on and we left the area.

    "Oh look! There's a diner. Too sad no one knows how to cook. . . I would sell my soul for a hamburger." I licked my lips. "Are you *that* hungry?" He sweatdropped as he chuckled awkwardly.

    We walked along the path until we reached the end. It was a beautiful private beach with a small beach house. As I looked under my feet I was really surprised. The sand had crater-like pits in it as if someone dug it out. "I bet it's either Akane or Nekomaru." Nagito looked at the wide ditch. "Or both." I added with a sigh. 
    Opening the door we entered the beach house. It had a fridge with lots of cold drinks, an in-wall storage room with different beach stuff, and a not working showering room. I opened another door. "Yup, that's an exit." I stated. "Do you want to drink something?" He opened the fridge. "Yes, is there (favorite cold drink)?" I studied different cans of sodas and other drinks. "Here." Nagito passed me the bottle/can.

💥💞 𝕄𝕪 𝕣𝕖𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕙𝕠𝕡𝕖 💞💥 ℕ𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕥𝕠 𝕏 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now