The last photograph

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    I slept the rest of the day, and as night came I was wide awake. I felt much better, my headaches ceased and I was able to stand up. I stretched my sore muscles and yawned. I glanced at the clock: 2 in the morning.

I don't think I'll sleep anymore.

    I went outside and gently closed the door behind me. It was a very beautiful night today. The stars shimmered in the dark sky, the moon shined from above, crickets creaking in the grass, and fireflies flew around. I've never felt so peaceful before. Not knowing where to go I just wandered around aimlessly until I walked on the wooden bridge towards the second island. There's a place I wanted to visit during the day, I remembered.

I hope it'll be worth climbing.

    I reached the beach house and took one bottle of (favorite drink). Keeping it in the pocket of my hoodie I started climbing the rocky hill. It was pretty tough but I made it. The view from up here was beyond beautiful. The endless calm sea stretching till the horizon, below was the private beach and the beach house. On the other side, you could catch a glimpse of other islands. I sat on the edge and took out the bottle, I sipped on my drink while staring into the sky.

   "How long are you gonna hide, Hajime?" I said without turning my head. "H-how did y-you-?!" He looked shocked. "I have ears you know." I pointed toward my right ear. I've heard him following me for an hour now. "You thought I'll murder someone in their sleep?" I sipped on my drink again. "N-no. . . Of course not." He sat next to me. 
"Listen, I'm sorry for that punch." Hajime rubbed behind his head. "I know." I stated simply. "So, don't you want to say something too?" He was alluding for me to apologize. "Nope, don't think so." I smirked and looked towards him. "I see. . ." The brunet sighed. 

    "What are you doing up here?" He looked into the sky. "I'm stabbing, can't you see?" I answered with sarcasm as I rolled my eyes. "It was a dumb question, but hey! I'm trying to start a conversation here!" He raised his voice. "If you can't start a conversation then shut up. I don't want to talk right now." I finished the drink and kept the empty bottle back in my pocket. 
We both stared into the sky for quite some time until Hajime spoke up. "You and Nagito, you know each other before this beachy situation?" He looked into my eyes. I shook my head and let out a small chuckle from his notion. "Were you spying on us?" I didn't bother to look back. "No, when he busted into the hotel reception with you in his arms, he looked really worried. And that time when you backed him up in the trial. And when you spent hours next to him when Nekomaru and Kazuichi tied him up in that abandoned hut. And when you asked Kazuichi to re-" He started counting each case on his fingers. "Okay, okay! I got you!" I closed his mouth.

    "We are childhood friends." I said. "Oh? Really? Hehe. . . It was obvious I guess." Hajime started blushing deep red. "What have you thought?" I raised my eyebrow. "Well. . . I thought you guys were. . . Um. . . Dating? It's not like I judge you or anything! It's okay for a guy to like another guy!" I started laughing at his stupidity. "Oh my god! Hahahaha!" I gripped my stomach. "We're not. . . Haha. . . Ha~" I took a deep breath. 
"Anyway, what do you think of Ibuki?" Hajime playfully nudged me with his elbow. "Ibuki? Well, she's kinda hyperactive that's quite annoying. . . Other than that she's pretty nice." I shrugged. "So. . . You don't like her? Romantically I mean." He hummed in question. "Umm. . . No." I said with a poker face. "She seems to have a thing towards you though." Hajime thought out loud with a small smirk on his lips. "She has herself to blame then. I'm not into girls." I spat. "So you *do* like guys!" He pointed at me, a cocky smile on his lips. "No. I don't like guys or girls." I looked at him with a disgusted expression. "Animals then?" "HAJIME! STOP! Let's just change the subject!" I yelped blushing. "Hehe. . . Okay." Hajime smirked at his victory. 

💥💞 𝕄𝕪 𝕣𝕖𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕙𝕠𝕡𝕖 💞💥 ℕ𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕥𝕠 𝕏 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now