Double date

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    Warm bright sunshine shone on my face as I squinted my eyes trying to block the light. The light grew so bright that it woke me up. I slightly opened my eyes as I saw Nagito above me. "Good morning." He smiled as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Morning." I yawned and sat up. "How did you sleep?" Komaeda closed the book he was reading as he scooted over and pecked my forehead. "Good~" I smiled brightly.
"That's nice to hear." He ruffled my hair. "Now, you better get ready, Sonia is eager to start a double date." Nagito chuckled. "Is she waiting for us?" I jolted upwards. "No, she said that we'll start our date at twelve thirty pm. Right now it's only eleven o'clock." White-haired guy looked at the clock in the corner of the room. "Okay, I'll go take a shower." I grumbled as I took a towel and walked inside the bathroom.

    What I didn't expect is when I turned on the water someone opened the door. "Hey!" I covered my body up. "What? I also need to take shower." Nagito hung his towel as he started removing his clothes. I quickly snapped my head to face the wall. "Why are you so embarrassed? I've seen you naked multiple times." He was really okay with the fact of taking shower together. "Do you know what people do in showers?" I blushed hard. "Wash themselves?" He chuckled, clearly amused by my reaction. "Have sex!" I blushed even more hard. "Well, you don't want it, so we'll be an exception." Nagito shrugged as he came closer.
"Relax. . . I'm not going to force you to do anything dirty." Nagito suddenly sounded sad and worried. "I told you, it's okay." I sighed and turned towards him. "No its not, I did horrible things to you and I want to make up for it." He took a step closer to me as I stood still. "You can make up for it." I smiled. "Okay? How?" He smiled with me. "Can you scrub my back? It's kinda hard to get there you know." I gave him a shower gel and sponge as I turned around. "Gladly." He hummed as he began scrubbing. "Can you go a bit lowe- oh yes there. . ." I relaxed in his touch as he covered my back in foam.
"Your turn." He turned around as I began scrubbing his back.

    After few more minutes of shower we were done. I tied a towel around my body as I walked out of the bathroom. "(Your name), what are you doing?! The AC is on and your hair is still wet, you might get cold." He huffed as he pushed me back inside the bathroom. Nagito then took out a hairdryer as he plugged it in. He started drying my hair while ignoring my protests that I could do this on my own. As much as I hate to admit it being pampered by this Dandelion-head wasn't that bad, it felt nice, but weird.
"And done." He smiled as placed the hairdryer down. "My turn!" I forcefully turned him around and began drying his hair. "You know I can do this on my own, right?" He chuckled. "Okay." I was about to stop as he stammered. "B-but I don't mind i-if you'd do that for me." He blushed. "I don't mind!" I smiled and continued drying his hair.

    "Hey, Dandelion-head." I hummed. "Yes?" "Did you ever thought of changing your hairstyle?" I finished drying his hair. "Well. . . It never worked out." Nagito scratched behind his head. "What do you mean?" I carefully rolled the wire of hairdryer as I kept it away. "Once I tried to straighten my hair. . . Every time I straightened them they always curl back up! Then I tried to cut them a bit shorter, no matter the scissors I took they were all blunt for my hair! It's a curse!" He exclaimed. "Now, now, have you ever though of something more simple?" I mused. "Like what?" He raised his eyebrow. "I've got an idea!" I clapped my hands. "Turn around and don't peek!" I warned as I took his comb.
"Okay?" He did as I asked. I started combing his hair away as I took out one of my rubber bands. "Done!" I turned him around so he faced the mirror.

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