Emotional puppet

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It was eleven forty five when I dashed towards fifth island. I planned to make things simple. Say last goodbye to Nagito, pretend to be shocked about his death, investigate with the others, begin trial. Then things might get interesting, if guys would figure his plan out I'll keep quiet about Nagito's plan. If they will make a bad choice I'll reveal the plan. Simple, right?
I made sure that no one noticed me as I slipped into the fifth island. Now, where can Nagito be. . ? Definitely near this creepy Monokuma factory.

I was about to sneak inside until I felt someone's hand cover my mouth and drag me inside the nearby storage house. "What are you doing?!" Nagito fumed. "I came to say the last goodbye." I hugged him but he stayed still. ". . . (Your name)." He called, his voice dead serious. Suddenly his form began to shake as he fell onto his knees. I sat next to him still hugging. "I'm scared." He admitted. "I'm scared of my failure, of my death, of being away from you." Nagito's arms pulled me close.
"It might be a selfish request but. . . Can you please come with me?" His request made my eyes widen in surprise. It's like that day it all started with one simple hug. . . And turned to the deadly promise. "I-" before I could say anything he looked into my eyes. His grey-green orbs shone from tears, his cheeks went red as he trembled in my arms.

That pleading look again.

I closed my eyes trying to figure out the right thing to say. "I don't know." I mumbled. Nagito buried his head into my shoulder pulling me closer than before. "P-please. . ." He whispered. "I don't want to feel lonely." That's then I remembered the all the times when he tortured me. . . He shot me many times, raped, used me as a meat shield. But still, why don't I feel anger towards him? I'm not disgusted by him. I don't hate him. Maybe I'm masochist or worse, I really love him.

Damn, I hate love.

"I promise. . . I'll die with you." I whispered. "Seriously?" He raised his head and looked into my eyes. I nodded. "But not right now. . . I still have things to do." I added. "Then, when?" Nagito stood up and stretched his hand out for me to take. "After your death discovery, I'll. . . I'll commit suicide." I said. "Thank you. . . Thank you." He pressed his lips onto mine and entered my mouth with his tongue. Few seconds later he pulled away and pecked my lips again. "I hope we will see each other again. . . In another life." He smiled and hugged me. "Yeah." Was all I could say.

See you in real life.

Nagito led me outside and said last goodbye, closing the door behind him. I went back to my cottage. I laid down on my bed as my mind slowly drifted away.

This pre-tragedy Nagito is oblivious of what he had done to me.

Still, his words made me realize. What's the point of me being alive here after his death? Izuru has everything under control, right?
Plus, I can't wait to meet my real Nagito, gosh I miss him so much. If I'll do what I promised there's chance that I'll meet him again.

But, if everyone who died previously woken up then why none of them disconnected us from the program? Maybe they're still infected with love for Junko? Shit, I'm happy that I escaped it all.

It's worth of playing with fire, I guess.

It was twelve already and the Monokuma announcement about a body being found went off.

It's Showtime!

I heard a faint knock on my door, someone walked in afterwards. Looks like I've forgotten to lock the door. The person that came in was Hajime he sat next to me and sighed. "Nagito. . . He's dead." He mumbled sadly. I remembered all the dramatic scenes I played, jumping onto Hajime I faked a cry and clung into his chest, he hugged me in return. Hinata sat there patting my back not saying a word. Maybe ten minutes later I pulled away and wiped my tears. "Feeling better?" Hajime asked, I slightly nodded. "Let's go, we must investigate his murder." Brunet stood up.
I dashed into my bathroom and washed my face. Walking out of my cottage we ran towards the fifth island. Hajime opened the door for me to enter. It was the place me and alive Nagito were in few minutes ago.

Then, I saw it, his tied up form laying on the ground with a huge spear pierced into his stomach. I ploped on the cold floor next to his breathless body. "I'm sorry." Chiaki kept her hand on my shoulder and rubbed it slowly. My classmates began investigating the crime scene while all I was doing is sitting next to Nagito staring into his lifeless eyes.
"We're done. (Male pseudonym), are you coming?" Hajime called. "No. . . I'll stay here." I shook my head. "We will examine the first island." Chiaki said before walking away.

I untied Nagito's arms and legs then I sat down again and kept his head on my legs. I slowly closed his eyelids and sighed. "Dumb Dandelion-head." I giggled. "Did you like my little scene?" My giggle grew into chuckle, that soon turned into loud hysterical laugh. "I tried my best!" My laughter died out as I took out the folded paper of my pocket along with notebook. Then I removed my hoodie and covered his corpse with (favourite colour) fabric. "Rest in peace digital Nagito." I walked away but noticed a record player.

This might be useful

I picked it up and walked towards my cottage. There I written down my last message and took my guitar. I walked towards second island and climbed onto the cliff. Sitting down I took my guitar and pressed the record button on the record player. "Hajime, if you'll survive then please listen to this recording, consider this as my last will. I understand how you feel after your loss. . ." I pulled my guitar close and started plucking the strings. I sang few songs and sighed.

It was sunset, the wind gently played with my hair moving them side to side. "(Male pseudonym)!" I heard Hajime yell as he started climbing the hill. "I'll miss you orange titties." I giggled and pressed the stop recording button. I kept my guitar aside and stood up. I took out my notebook along with special letter and kept them on the record player. Slowly removing my sneakers I faced towards the edge.

"(Male pseudonym)!" Hajime huffed as he climbed the top and stood across me. "My name is (Your name)." I said. "What?" He looked into my eyes. "I'm sorry I lied to you guys. . . I'm a terrible person." I sighed. "What are you talking about?!" Hajime groaned and walked towards me. "Stay still." I said. "What are you- Don't! DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE TAKE ANOTHER STEP!" He yelled as he understood what I'm about to do. "Its too late." I smiled and turned to face Hajime. "I'll miss you, Hajime." I stretched my arms out and jumped off the cliff.

It was like that day. . .

But he caught me. . .

That time it was an accident, an accident that brought us close.

He changed a lot since then.
A lot.

I wish tragedy never happened.
I could graduate hopes peak with my classmates. I could help Hajime confess his feelings to Chiaki. I could date Nagito without those awful kids and his insanity in the way.

I wish




I could live a peaceful life together with you all.

A single tear flew down as I felt how cold water engulfed me. Then I felt sharp pain on the back of my head. I was still alive, that is, until a huge wave slammed my body into the rocky shallow ocean bed.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚎𝚗𝚍?

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