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Where am I?

I looked around the white void around me. Sigh. Here we go again. I can't help but wonder why can't I have normal dreams? Like flying? Or maybe diving in the sea? Or maybe studying in wizard school. . . But heck! I'm here, floating in this blank space! 

Suddenly, something touched my shoulder and I turned towards the marshmallow-haired guy. "Oh, it's you again." I said with a poker face. "You were expecting someone else?" He chuckled. "Nah." I looked away.
A few seconds later I felt a strong pull, was I falling? Then I saw it. . . The grassy meadow with a lonely cherry tree. I closed my eyes ready for impact. . . But it never happened. I cautiously opened my left eye and looked around. I was sitting next to him.

"Now, why do you appear here?" I asked as I made myself comfortable under the tree. "I'm part of your despair that you'll never get rid of." He smiled creepily. "Oh. Okay." I said simply. "You're not scared?" Nagito looked somewhat surprised. "Nope. It's just my weird dream. Soon I'll wake up and everything will be back to normal." I shrugged. "Bold of you to assume that everything will go back to normal. Remember, as soon as you fall asleep I'll be here. Waiting for you." He started laughing maniacally. "Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

    I woke up from the Monokuma announcement, my head was aching. A lot. I felt a sharp pain coursing through my temples. As I walked out of my cottage gently massaging the ailing area I stumbled upon Mikan.

What a coincidence.

    "Hi, Mikan." I greeted her with a loud grumble. "O-oh! Good m-morning!" She smiled. "Are you o-okay?" She gave me a worried look. "My head is just aching. Other than that, I'm fine." Mikan examined my temples and sighed. "Let's eat first. Then I'll see what can I find in the pharmacy." Tsumiki gave me a patient smile. "Thanks." I smiled weakly as I walked up the stairs.

    "Helloooooo! How areeeeeee youuuuuuuu?" Ibuki greeted me with a yell. Her voice started ringing in my ear and I felt my headache get worse. I slowly started falling unconscious. "I-ibuki! S-stop that! He's hurt!" Mikan helped me sit on the chair. "Ugh. . ." I grumbled. I kept my hands on the table and rested my head on them. "(Male pseudonym)? Are you alright?" Hajime sat next to me. I slowly turned my head towards him and cringed. "Poor you." Nagito patted my head. "Ugh. . ." That was all I could say. "Wouldn't you mind if I question you about your pain?" Mikan took a chair opposite of mine. ". . . No. . ." I grumbled.
"Alright! When did your headaches start?" She started asking. "Hmm. . . After the sunstroke." I said. Ibuki took a chair to my left and started roughly massaging my head. "Was the pain constant? Or was it intermittent?" Mikan continued. "Intermittent I guess." I answered. "Do you have any ideas what causes your pain? Like, after what action does it occur?" ". . . Let me think. . ."

After. . . Someone mentions our school life and past. That's the only connection I see.

    "I have them when someone mentions our previous life." I said, uncertain of my words. "Hmm. . . That's interesting." Mikan rubbed her chin. "What's the diagnosis?" Hajime asked. "Perhaps these little bits of our previous memories affect (Male pseudonym)'s brain." Mikan stated doubtful of her words. "How come?" Nagito looked surprised. "I don't know. Maybe his brain tries to recall the lost hindsight." She slowly stood up. "I'm not a psychologist I don't know which medicine might help him. All that I can do is give you capsules that will ease your pain. I'm sorry that I couldn't help you!" She was almost crying. "It's okay. You did what you could. . . If I die, please promise that you'll bury me under that palm tree on the first beach." I sighed. "Noooooo! Please don't die!!!" Ibuki fell on her knees begging. "I said if." I grunted.
"Now, now. Let's not fall into despair. Remember, stay hopeful and you'll be able to overcome any despair!" Nagito looked onto the ceiling and folded his hand as if in prayer. All of us exchanged cringy looks.

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