Second trial

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    As we walked towards the Monokuma rock we noticed how black and white bear was dragging that little she-dog. "Hey! L-let me go!" She squealed. "Heh." I chuckled dryly. Oh how the tables have turned. "Let me go back to my cottage!" Hiyoko screamed as she continued to grasp on the sand trying to get free of the bear's grasp. "Shut up, or I'm gonna make you a part of this island's food chain!" He yelled back. Sayonji instantly closed her mouth shut and looked away. We all went inside the elevator and waited in dead silence to arrive at the second trial. Standing back onto our podiums we started the trial. 

   "Now then, let's first discuss the motive!" Monokuma announced. "Ugh. Not that shitty game. . ." I sighed. "But still, it's a motive. This game might bring us more information about the case." Chiaki said. "Fine. . ." I grumbled. "Some of us haven't beaten the game. Can you tell us about it?" Peko said monotonously. "This game is based on real-life events. The story describes the murder of a high school girl in school." Nagito summed up. "Let's clarify who the characters in the game are." Chiaki said once again.

Girl A was timid and shy, she is probably Mikan; Girl B was short and foul-mouthed, I can't think of anyone but Hiyoko; Girl C was hyperactive and loud, she is definitely Ibuki; Girl D was a photographer, she might be representing Mahiru; Let's skip Girl E and think about Guy F, he is most likely to be you Fuyuhiko." Hajime concluded. "Wow. . . Soooooo smart!" I stretched sarcastically. 
"Hmm. . . The surname Kuzuryu was mentioned twice. Is it a kind of bug?" Nagito reminded. "Ah! How dumb of you to think that I'll make such a trashy mistake in my masterpiece!" Monokuma scolded. "So it was on purpose." Nagito hummed. "In-game Guy F mentioned that he had a little sister. . . And she was also present in the game, as a victim." Hajime sighed. "I agree. Based on the tone of Guy F it's clear that Girl E is not his sister." Nagito agreed.

     "That means Fuyuhiko really had a little sister?" Gundam guy spoke up. "Yeah, I do! Any problems?!" Fuyuhiko raged. "The game is based on real-life events. Therefore she must've died. . ." Nagito thought out loud. "Tch! Don't mix shit up bastard! I saw her just the other day before I went inside the fucking academy!" Kuzuryu yelled. "You say that because you lost your memories!" Monokuma perked up. 

    I felt a strong nauseous feeling. I started having goosebumps and I heard a passing conversation next to me. I kept my head on the podium trying to get rid of the uneasy feeling. Then an image flashed before my eyes. I saw Fuyuhiko talk to some blonde-haired girl. It looked as if they were arguing. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked away and saw Nagito, he was wearing a school uniform. "Are you alright?" I shook my head and saw the worried face of my friend. "Y-yeah. . . I'm fine." I pushed his hand away and stood up straight. It looks like no one noticed my strange behavior except for Nagito.

    Apparently, they were talking about the murder of Girl E. "Girl E was killed because she murdered the first victim." Hajime stated. "So, Girl E was killed as an act of revenge. Right, Fuyuhiko?" Nagito pressed the mafia. "You're quite persistent! I don't care what the game says, but was Girl E really the killer?" Yakuza sighed. "Let's discuss the details of the first murder then." Komaeda said. 

    "I knew that my diagram might be useful." Chiaki handed us a little piece of paper. "I'll explain, Girls A, B, C, and D were at the entrance hall when they heard the sound of glass breaking. They all ran to the second floor towards the music room where Girl E was. But the door was closed, so Girl D went to get the key from the office. When they finally entered inside they discovered a victim's body, that died from a blow to the head. Girls thought that the killer escaped from the window as they heard the sound of broken glass. And they also thought that the killer was a pervert as the victim's swimsuit was stolen. . . How does that sound?" Chiaki looked at us.
"What a great explanation! As expected from the ultimate gamer!" Nagito beamed. "You're ultimate too you know." I made a poker face. "Don't mistake my crappy luck for an ultimate talent." He had a very serious expression that sent shivers down my spine. 

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